Making your site "Ipod ready" ...???


New member
Arts question about members personal sites reminded me of a something I wanted to ask other people with more knowledge than myself.

My personal site is a combination of personal info and info on "that which disables me". I get a fairly consistent 4000 to 6000 unique visitors a month.

Among those visitors ... I have been getting a small but growing percentage of persons that seem to be using Ipods or some kind of mini hand held computer. A year ago I changed my site from individual HTML pages to using XOOPS (php with a MySQL database). "Apparently" ... there is a module I can install that will allow my site now to display more easily on an Ipod or similar (I have never held one let alone used one ... so I have no idea if the module would work).

But was wondering ... With people starting to use these "mini computers" more & more for surfing the net ... are you taking steps to accomodate their use on your sites???

An old guy learning new stuff ... or at least new for me.

My terminology is wrong in my post ... not that anyone has responded :) But just change any reference to "Ipod" to PDA ... that should fix it :)

I sort of got my answer on the XOOPS site ... in part the responder said ...
You don't need to do anything. Recent PDAs (well, pocket pcs using 2003 and above anyway) have a pretty good browser that can reformat webpages for display on a small screen. Pages (can be) 'sliced' into columns so you can see the whole site by scrolling up and down. There's a few different viewing options.

But I am still curious if others are now designing their sites any differently to accomodate the growing use of PDA's???

Peter, I never really thought of accomodating PDA users, perhaps because PDA users can still access sites like, if they have Wi-Fi capability. I have seen HD on DELL PDA and it looks just the same. :)
I use a blackberry a lot of the time and i have another site that is based on post nuke, it has a simple module for pda users but all it shows is news articles. i think i have seen a plug in or something for vbulletin for pda users, i dont know about it never tried it. but yes there are a lot mroe people using these things now and have to say being a users of one they are great
I loaded up your website on my PSP, and it seems to display just fine as is. I snapped a few pictures, and attached them as a ZIP file. Hope this helps you out! Let me know if you need pictures of a specific section and I can do it for ya.

Edit: Pictures are too large to add as an attachment here. Uploaded to here:
A belated "thank you" for the pics John ... they are appreciated.

Haven't been here for a bit so I just got your message today.

Thanks again
No problem, hope it helps! If you need me to snap some more pictures of a certain part of your website, just lemme know!

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