Making Your Reselling Business Stand Out in a Crowded Market


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How are you standing out in the competitive web hosting reselling space?
I am looking for innovative strategies to attract and retain customers for the 3rd and last quarter of this year.
How are you standing out in the competitive web hosting reselling space?
I am looking for innovative strategies to attract and retain customers for the 3rd and last quarter of this year.
Hello there.
Personally, what I have done is I have had great support and have gotten my clients that way.
The only really unique thing about web hosting businesses is support, so that's one way to stand out.
What I have also done is I have gone around to local businesses (physically), done some work involved with web development and have asked if they are interested in hosting/having a website using my services.
It's hard now as it used to be, but it is still possible.
Personally, what I have done is I have had great support and have gotten my clients that way.
This. Web hosting is web hosting, it doesn't differ that much. However, a smaller provider can stand out from the big guys by the level of support the smaller provider can offer, the bigger companies either don't care or are too big to offer the personalised support.

I was watching a Webinar yesterday which touched on this. The person explained how their web hosting business fixed a issue on a customers small, personal hobby site who turned out to be the IT Manager for a large company. Guess who got the future business of the large company?

We have also experienced this ourselves too, a customer joined us because their host messed up their website. The customer wanted us to migrate the site but didn't tell us it was broken or what happened, we noticed it during the migration and offered to fix it. We now host all their websites because of the support we offered.