Looking Vps For Shoutcast

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New member
I'm Looking for a Vps for shoutcast use only,
HDD 5-10
RAM 256
1 ip
no control panel
But the problem is the traffic so i would like something on unmetered plans.
Hi Alex

Please consider out VPS

Linux CentOS
10GB Space
100GB Monthly Bandwidth
1 IPs Address
Root Access
SSH Login
OpenVz Panel
$30.00 / mth

Detail: VPS Package
Hello al3xis,

Virpus Networks (http://virpus.com) would like to present you our v-Root plan with a 20% Discount, and additional resources:

Full Root Access
15 GB of Space
350 GB of Bandwidth OR 1 Mb/s Unmetered*
384 MB of Guaranteed Ram (usually 256 MB)
1 GB of Burstable Ram
100% Service Uptime SLA
3 CLEAN DDoS Protected IP Addresses
Product Price: $26.39/mo, No Setup (usually $32.99/mo!)
>>>Click here to learn more…<<<

To get the 20% off, use coupon code 20OFF. Expires at the end of April.

*Bandwidth is able to be upgraded. Contact me at sales@myvirpus.com with any questions.


  • Fully Managed Services (via Virtual Enterprise Support Services)
  • Free Monitoring Services
  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
  • Free Nightly Backups
  • Virtuozzo Power Panel
  • 100% Uptime SLA
  • Premium Bandwidth (InterNAP and Level 3)
  • Enterprise Grade Servers/Nodes
  • Your Choice of OS: CentOS 3.x, 4.x, Fedora Core 1-5, and RedHat 9
  • Control Panel Choices: cPanel and DirectAdmin ($7/mo any CP)

Virtual Enterprise Support Services
Virpus Networks includes fully managed services via our Virtual Enterprise Support Services (VES Services). This includes an unlimited amount of server administration hours, hardening and optimizing of the VPS, service updates and upgrades and more.

Virpus “XTREME” Support
Quality and friendly support is a key here at Virpus Networks and is something we have been known for. Virpus Networks provides technical support via our Helpdesk 24x7 with an average response time of under 30 minutes and general support via Live Chat, phone and our forum.

Free Monitoring Services
Virpus Networks also includes with every VPS free monitoring services. We will monitor up to 5 services (per VPS) for you free of charge. Service checks are done in increments of 5 minutes. If a service is detected as down, a Virpus Networks support engineer will login to your VPS and fix the issue automatically. This service is provided upon request.

Enterprise Grade Servers
All Virpus Networks VPS nodes are DELL PowerEdge systems each featuring at least a Dual Core Dual Xeon processor w/ HT Enabled, 12 GB RAM, RAID 1 or 5 Technology. Virpus Networks was actually the first VPS provider to invest in large enterprise class nodes with of a minimal 12 GB of physical RAM and Dual Core processors. Unlike many of the other VPS providers, Virpus Networks does NOT oversell our nodes. We rank in the highest benchmarks for our VPS services.

Free Consultation and Personal Services
Virpus Networks is always here to assist you with your hosting needs. We provide all of our customers free consultation services to help the customer determine which solution would be best for their hosting needs. By fully analyzing the customers hosting applications or websites, Virpus Networks is able to recommend a solution that would work best with the customers needs.


Again, please let me know if you have any questions, and I'll be happy to assist you with your needs.


Kenneth O.
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Hello Alex,

We can offer a suitable fully managed VPS plan with 24x7 support and monitoring and guaranteed uptime. You can view our Linux VPS plans at http://www.eukhost.com/vps_linux.php

We do not offer Unmetered bandwidth on our VPS plans but you can let us know how much monthly bandwidth you require so we can suggest you accordingly.
Hello Alexis,

I have provided you with our current packages running and in addition our common FAQ for our VPS servers. We look forward to hearing from you.


Disk Space: 20GB
Bandwidth: 500GB (Unmetered)
Network: Default 10mbit Hybrid – (Upgradeable to Premium)
Shared Secondary DNS: No
RAM: 256
IP: 1
Click VPS to order – $ 30.00/ Month

Do you offer any webcontrol panel like Virtuozzo?
We offer the Vizzo control panel. Vizzo is developed by our friends over at Ten Ships.

Vizzo currently only works in FireFox or Internet Explorer 7.
Internet Explorer 6 coming soon.
You can demo Vizzo here:
Username: vizzo@mabushosting.net
Password: vizzotest
You can stop, start, restart, set hostname, reset root password and view MRTG images.

What control panel choices do you offer?
We offer DirectAdmin. We will however install Cpanel if you provide your own license.

Operating Systems:
(just place in your comment when ordering default is CentOS 4)

How long will it take to setup my account?
Normal account setup is 10 minutes or less. If your order was scores high on our order verification system it will be pending for 24 hours or less.

Do you offer the full amount of ram offered on your plans?
Why would we take what you pay for? You will always get the full guaranteed ram.

Can I get additional IPs?
Yes. Each additional IP is $2/month with no setup fees. Adding additional IPs is instant and there is no downtime to your server when adding or removing additional IPs.

Will my OS count against my disk space?
Your operating system files will count against your disk space. Operating system footprints vary between 125-500 megabytes.

Can I upgrade to another plan later?
At any time you may upgrade your VPS through your Billing Control panel. There is no downtime to upgrade your VPS we will apply the new settings behind the scenes.

Can you make me a custom VPS?
Just ask. We try to meet everyone's needs.

Is adult content allowed?
As the adult content is legal inside of the United States.

Is IRC allowed?
We do not allow hosting of IRC servers of any sort. This includes bouncers, bots, and daemons.

Can I torrent or host torrents?
We do not allow torrenting of any kind on our virtual private servers.

Can I upgrade my kernel?
OpenVZ does not allow for any kernel modifications. You will be running a variant of Linux 2.6 which is the latest Linux kernel.

Is there an easy way to restore the VPS to its original state?
You simply create a ticket and we will do it for you.

What is the port speed of each VPS?
Hybrid- 10Mbit
Premium- 100Mbit

Could I have a download file and test IP?

Do you take backups?
We have weekly incremental snapshots (every Sunday night).

What VPS technology do you use?

Can I get Webmin preinstalled?
It will not be automatic but if you mention it when you sign up in the comment box we will get it installed for you.

What is the Hybrid Network?
Unmetered VPS plans on the 10mbit Network (Located in Los Angeles, California).

What is the Premium Network?
Metered VPS plans on the 100mbit network. (Located in Dallas, Texas)
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