Looking for staff! Starc Hosting, Inc

Hi Andrew,

A CEO and a CFO are usually appointed by the board of directors. But just out of curiousity, what are the job requirements, benefits and salary of a CEO?

You mean you are the only one on the board of directors? FYI, a board of directors is a mix of company representatives and outsiders (experts). Hiring a CEO or a Director is not easy as posting on a forum. If you want to run a serious company, I would highly recommend you to do careful selection of candidates, especially for top management positions. CEOs are usually hired for strategic reasons - they must achieve something in the industry as well as they should be known for having certain management strengths and own strategic vision.

I am still curious though as to what kind of compensation/salary is offered for a position of a CEO with your corporation. It is a corporation, correct?

Best of luck,
Right i now that, in louisiana where i form the inc you only need one person on the broad. I have hired some on to be a vice-president from this forum. I know that this may not be a wise choice, but the guy is very active on this forum and looks good. I was willing to pay up to $8.50 for the job, along with health and a company cell phone. (also i am looking for a php program to work on a free program that i am looking to build, can i post a new topic?
Artashes, that is true in my state as well, you can form a business being the only member of the board, common practice here for small general stores.

As for your request for a new thread Andrew, it's only allowed once every 14 days. However when people see this current thread they'll be able to see that you're looking for that.

Hopes this helps. :)
Interesting. I wasn't aware of that. Thanks you for clarification.
I was however commenting more on a business structure in general.
I have a business plan yes, and i have found a good vp on this forum. So i feel that the company will grow strong, and last long.....
AndrewWetzel said:
But note that if you aren't 18 don't waste your time and my time.

I agree with Art here, if your serious about it CEO is a very hard and demanding job and you need to broaden your search further than web forums.
Good luck with your venture.
Looking for....

Hello All!
Starc Hosting, Inc is looking to grow! We need your help to do so! What are we looking for? Well we need a few more board members, we are looking for people who 18 years old and have aleast two years working for a hosting company. You must have $80 or more a month. We plan to open other disivons to the company such as DedServers, Game Servers, Windows Hosting, MAC Hosting and so on. We do have business and will be very happy to show it to people who sign an NDA. For more info please email me at awetzel@andrewwetzel.net, AIM: TammanyTA or MSN: Adam8520@yahoo.com. Thanks for your time!
MOD NOTE: Threads merged. Only one advertising thread is allowed per 14 days in this forum. Consult forum stickies before posting. We rely on your future cooperation.
Hello All!
Once more i am looking for support techs and forum mods!

Support Tech Level 1
Pay is 25cent a ticket and live chat request
Must be 18 years of age
Beginers Welcomed!
You will use live chat to make sales and support, will use the helpdesk to support users. YOU WILL NOT HAVE ACCESS TO ANY ACCOUNTS! YOU WILL HAVE TO PUSH THESE SUPPORT REQUEST TO LEVEL TWO TECHS!

Support Techs Level 2
Pay is 50cent a ticket and live chat request
Must be 18 years of age
Must have 2+ years working in web hosting
You will use live chat to make sales and support, will use the helpdesk to support users. Will handle all support request that level 1 techs send to you.

Forum Mods
Pay is hosting account or price by post
Must be 18 years of age
Beginers Welcomed!
You will mod our forums so that the techs don't have to waste thier time doing so. WILL NOT DO ANY SUPPORT!

Before we hire anyone you must sign and agree our nda. Please email me at andrew@starcinc.com or jobs@starcinc.com, don't pm me!
I just received an email from Andrew, he's a good friend. He's stuck out in the middle of Hurricane Katrina in Slidell La.

I'm not sure if he's been evacuated or not, most likely so as he sent an e-mail letting me know he's okay.

Regardless, I ask you keep him and the rest of the Hurricane Katrina victims in your thoughts and/or prayers as they could really use it.