Looking for Partner, Prepared With Basic Preliminary Plan!

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Hello, I am looking for a partner to work aside me in order to set up and start a website hosting business targeted towards the "technically challenged" population. That are either new or never "heard" of website hosting.

While I am proficient in the general business aspects of things (customer service, sales, billing and the like) as well as general IT (say doing basic control panel tasks and etc). I really need someone who manage servers (system administration). As well as generally there as any good partners should be.

Here is what I will be offering on my "side of the bargain"...

1. Ideas and innovations that are tailored toward this business of ours.

2. Be able to handle the general operations (billing/sales as well as customer service to name a few).

3. Pitch in half the start up and recurring operation costs (likely month to month).

4. Give up 50% of the business's profits once all of our expenses are paid (at this rate as well). For as long as you are an active partner.

The expectations of my partner will be...

1. Must have some experience doing system administration as I am delegating server management completely. Given beyond limited functions on a control panel I am not able do much at the command line level.

2. Must be willing to sustain being an active partner, after a few months we will evaluate whether or not if the business worth continuing for our resources. But if insignificant communication is made then I reserve the right to recycle your agreement with me.

3. Must be willing to work in emergencies in addition. Either as a one off service/server problem(s) as they occurs. And/or should I be unable to attend to my duties should it pose a negative toward the business's health.

4. Finally willing to split the start up and operational costs with me (50/50).

Terms of Partnership...

1. You agree to this as soon as you email me about this opportunity.

2. As a partnership opportunity you understand that a profit is NOT guaranteed nor will you are guaranteed a reimbursement of your responsible investments as well as time and efforts. However for the best interests of both parties this will be limited as much as possible.

3. Should you fails to meet the expectations of your commitments INCLUDING productivity without first contacting me regarding this then I reserve the right to seek a new partner and/or make alternative means. If this is broken then you agree that any and ALL remaining investments will be at your own loss. Due to this being strictly on your end.

4. Similarly I will be taking similar responsibility on my end as well. If no responses are made from me in an excess of 72 hours in a given time then you will be provided a "free will" of "taking over" the business in whatever means you believe is necessary to preserve our success for generations to come. As we would both assume I am unable to continue (for example by the "acts of nature".).

If you are interested feel free to email me at rickytorres551@gmail.com

You may also email me if you have any questions or concerns about this partnership offering.

Thanks in advance and I hope to be doing business with someone as caring as I am.
I apologize in advance. I know you weren't really soliciting opinions in this but I've personally been there done that in situations with partners. Don't sell yourself short, you may surprise yourself at how well you can handle the technical situations even if you aren't all that technical. Having a partner, esp a 50/50 partner can mean immediate deadlock for most business decisions.

Tread carefully!
I apologize in advance. I know you weren't really soliciting opinions in this but I've personally been there done that in situations with partners. Don't sell yourself short, you may surprise yourself at how well you can handle the technical situations even if you aren't all that technical. Having a partner, esp a 50/50 partner can mean immediate deadlock for most business decisions.

Tread carefully!

Thank you for stating such inputs however while you are indeed correct on a well maintained infrastructure there not too much "back end" requests to be fulfilled especially for a shared related service. However as you may be already aware someone still needs to...
1. Maintain the OS, web server, data base service, PHP plus modules, and so on.
2. Do a hardening and security setup. Then of course maintain this and audit it regularly to ensure "no bunny business" is going on.
3. Remove and clean malicious contents should/when they occurs.
4. Prevent and clean up any SPAM passing by as well as preparing and submitting to RBL(s) as they occurs (shared services ALWAYS have SPAM issues here and there as it happen to even the best of us).
5. Diagnosing abuse reports and ensuring that both the customer and the business is impacted minimally.
6. And even to at least supplement support hours in the hours that I am sleeping to boost (so a 16x7-24x7 house should be obtainable with two people at the wheels).

I would also need help implementing as I do have the preliminary thoughts but not "100%" sure to get it "off of paper".

Hopefully that clears up that the partner is expected to act to more a second person in addition to just logging in CLI for a few hours daily across a few service machines. :)

If you or anyone else have more thoughts regarding this feel free to add. Otherwise I hope to be working with someone who is interested of helping me pull this off and keeping it operational for the generations to come. :)
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