Looking for good Reseller or VPS

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We need as a minimum:
- 10 gig space
- 100 gig BW ( Resellers, overselling please )
- 256K RAM Min (post the burstable if you can)
- Hosted sites allowed min 100
- Email accounts unlimited preferred
- Sub/Parked Domains unlimited (or a reasonable amount)
- MySQL databases unlimited
- Fantastico required
- Cpanel must have

Please post:
Server specs / location, load if possible. (80% of our clients are in Canada ATM)
Payment options and any discounts if available.
Upgradability of accounts.
Any addons available.

I think that's it. :)
We are coming off of a reseller account we are not happy with and if we found a reasonable VPS, that would be ideal. However, we are still willing to go with a reliable reseller.

Any help with transferring the sites would be good too :)

We would like to offer you,

VPS Starter Plan:
10GB Hard Drive Space
300GB Monthly Bandwidth
256MB Guaranteed RAM
1 GB Burstable RAM
2 IPs
cPanel / WHM
100mbps connection
SSH Root Access
Fully Managed
24x7 Premium Support
24x7 Pro-Active Monitoring
99.99% Uptime Guarantee
Database Support
30 Day Money Back Offer
Free Setup
Price: £20 / $40 Per Month

For complete list of vps features visit: http://www.webhosting.uk.com/vps-hosting.php

General Server specifications are as follows:
Intel Dual Core Xeon 3.0GHz Processors
12 GB FB-DIMM Registered 667
Server Location: London (UK)
Payment options: We accept most credit cards & Debit cards (Visa, MasterCard, JCB, Diners, Discover & American Express). We also accept payments through paypal service, 2CheckOut & e-pay. Our system admins will help you in transferring your website from your current host to our vps.

To find our more contact us through our website or pm me.

Take a look at our WIRE-2 Reseller Hosting plan, I think it matches your requirements perfectly.

Price is $39.95 per month | FREE Setup.

Plan Highlights
* 10,000 MB Disk Space
* 100 GB Monthly Transfer (Bandwidth)
* Unlimited Domains and Accounts
* 1 IP Addresses Included*
* 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
* 60 Day Money Back Guarantee

Server Specifications
* AMD Dual Opteron 248 (2MB Cache)
* Linux Operating System
* Apache Web Server

Servers are located in Dallas, TX at the SoftLayer Data center.

You can upgrade to any of the higher level packages free of charge, upgrades are easy and are done within 12-24 hours.
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Pentium Series - P3 1.0ghz
» Hard Drive: 20GB
» Operating System: Fedora
» Memory: 256MB
» Bandwidth: 100GB
» Management: Self-Managed
» IP Addresses: 2

Total Recurring: $29.95 USD Monthly

Order Here

Currently accepting Visa, Mastercard, American Express.
WorldCom said:
We need as a minimum:
- 10 gig space
- 100 gig BW ( Resellers, overselling please )
- 256K RAM Min (post the burstable if you can)
- Hosted sites allowed min 100
- Email accounts unlimited preferred
- Sub/Parked Domains unlimited (or a reasonable amount)
- MySQL databases unlimited
- Fantastico required
- Cpanel must have

Please post:
Server specs / location, load if possible. (80% of our clients are in Canada ATM)
Payment options and any discounts if available.
Upgradability of accounts.
Any addons available.

I think that's it. :)
We are coming off of a reseller account we are not happy with and if we found a reasonable VPS, that would be ideal. However, we are still willing to go with a reliable reseller.

Any help with transferring the sites would be good too :)
Hello WorldCom,

Here are two reseller-type web hosting plans that should fit your needs:

From our Standard series: [ Storage to Bandwidth Ratio of 1:20 ]
10GB Storage | 200GB Bandwidth Transfer | $40.00 /month

From our Economy series: [ Storage to Bandwidth Ratio of 1:10 ]
10GB Storage | 100GB Bandwidth Transfer | $31.00 /month

* We do not offer overselling at this time, but we're more than happy to negotiate a custom plan and price to better fit your needs should you require additional bandwidth transfer and/or disk storage.
* Upon request, free assistance is available to transfer accounts from your current service provider.
* Your service would be hosted at The Planet in Dallas, Texas.

Server Specifications:
Data Centers: The Planet, Savvis, and DataBank
Locations: Dallas/Fort Worth/Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
O/S: Red Hat Enterprise Linux or CentOS (The Community ENTerprise OS)
CPU/Processor: Dual Intel Xeon 2.8 or 3.0 GHz with Hyper-Threading
RAM/Memory: 2 GB ECC DDR SDRAM (minimum)
Uplink Port: 100 Mbps Full Duplex
Note: Exact specifications for all servers or any one server in use for our hosting services may be obtained by sending a request via e-mail or IM.

Uptime Report:

Payment Methods:
Credit Cards (American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa), 2CO/2Checkout, PayPal, or prepaid mailed payments via Personal and Business Checks, Cashiers' Checks, and Money Orders.

To Order:
Resellers https://secure.trunetworks.com/rwh-order

Upgrades/Downgrades: You may upgrade or downgrade at any time; however, current specials apply only to upgrades.

Add-on/Upgrade Pricing:
Secure Shell (SSH) Access: $2.00 /month (requires government-issued photo ID)
Dedicated IP Addresses: $2.00 /IP /month (any quantity) + Free Setup
Dedicated IP Addresses (Bulk): $1.75 /IP /month (blocks of 4) + $10 Setup
Dedicated IP Addresses (Bulk): $1.50 /IP /month (blocks of 8) + $10 Setup
RapidSSL Digital Certificates: $20.00 /year | http://www.rapidssl.com/rapidssl/rapidssl.html
QuickSSL Digital Certificates: $60.00 /year | http://www.geotrust.com/web_security/quickssl.htm
QuickSSL Premium Digital Certificates: $120.00 /year | http://www.geotrust.com/web_security/quicksslpremium.htm
Thawte-brand SSL Digital Certificates are also available; visit our TRU Domains web site for details.

Standard Features:
Daily Backups (generated nightly during early morning hours)
cPanel Control Panel + cPanel Pro Add-on
RVSkin Enhanced cPanel (Additional 14 Different Themes, 23 Languages)
Server-Wide Anti-Spam & Anti-Virus Protection
Fantastico Deluxe (Automated Script Installers/Setup Wizards)
Anonymous DNS + Domain Name Servers (DNS) on different Class B and C networks
SSL Capable Web Server (Apache, Mod_SSL, OpenSSL)
CGI, cURL, GD, ImageMagick, NetPBM, Perl, PHP, SSI, FrontPage Extensions
ionCube Loader + Zend Optimizer
Unlimited Add-on Domains
Unlimited Parked Domains
Unlimited Sub-domains
Unlimited FTP Accounts with support for FXP Transfers
Unlimited Databases (MySQL)
Unlimited E-mail Accounts with WebMail
FREE setup
FREE site/data transfer from your current host
99% Uptime Guarantee [live status report link below]
No long-term contracts
14-Day Money Back Guarantee

Power-User/Reseller-Specific Features:
cPanel's WebHost Manager Control Panel (WHM)
cPanel: Add-on Script Manager
cPanel: Configure Support Request Submission
RV Skin Manager
Unlimited Accounts/Domains
FREE Custom/Private Name Servers
FREE Domain Registrar Services Reseller Account. $7.77 for .com/.net/.org/.biz/.info/.name/.us/.*.in (more TLDs available) and includes free customizable storefront and control panel for you and your customers, built-in support for PayPal, PayPal Pro, 2CO/2Checkout, and/or your Authorize.Net merchant account. http://partner.trudomains.com/

Forms of Support:
Instant Messengers (AIM, Google Talk, ICQ, Skype, WLM/MSN, Xfire, Yahoo)
Toll-free phone support including 24/7 access for emergencies.

E-mail/contact information:

Public Access Community/Self-Help Forums
Presales section is open to anyone (no registration required).
Other areas require registration to post and/or view.
For the fastest response to sales and support inquiries, please e-mail us.

Full reseller plan information and feature listing:

Price matching requests are welcome for most of our products and services.
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We at eUKhost would like to offer you our L-VPS-01 Plan

10GB DiskSpace
200GB Bandwidth
256MB Guaranteed RAM
1GB Burstable RAM
Unlimited Domains
Unlimited Addon/Parked Domains
Unlimited MySQL Databases
Unlimited POP3/SMTP Accounts
2 Usable IPs
Full Root Access
24x7 Support & Monitoring
99.9% Uptime Guarantee
Free Setup
Monthly Price £24
Yearly Price £240

We use Quad Core Xeon Servers for VPS hosting and these servers have 8 MB cache with 4GB RAM and RAID1. Our servers are in the London Datacenter in UK.

We accept payments via Paypal and 2Checkout. If you pay annually, you pay for ten months only and get 2 months free. You can upgrade you account at anytime you wish to by paying only the difference in the price of the plans.

Should you have any queries, feel free to PM me.
Hello, TVGHosting can off you this custom package on our newest server:

10Gb Disk Space
100Gb Transfer
$30/month or $324/year (10% discount)
Order Here

Server Specs:
P4 3.0Ghz with HyperThreading, 800FSB
1024 Megs Ram
2x160Gb S-ATA HDD
Fantastico will be added with your order
Server Load < 0.50
Location Indiana

Or you can order any of our standard packages for 50% off with coupon code "Feb" for the remander of the month.

Check out our Latency

West Coast: 50-60ms
Central: 30-40ms
East Coast: 40ms
Within a few states of Indiana/Illinois: 5-15ms

From Toronto:
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=67ms TTL=45
Reply from bytes=32 time=56ms TTL=45
Reply from bytes=32 time=62ms TTL=45
Reply from bytes=32 time=62ms TTL=45

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 56ms, Maximum = 67ms, Average = 61ms

Payment options and any discounts if available.
Upgradability of accounts.
Any addons available.

Payments: Paypal only.
Upgradeability: You can upgrade at any time within our billing software
Addons: IPs are $1/per

Please email sales@tvghosting.com and refer to this post for any other questions.
Here are a few more pings from Canada:

From Montreal, Sympatico Ultra DSL
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=83ms TTL=49
Reply from bytes=32 time=78ms TTL=49
Reply from bytes=32 time=53ms TTL=49
Reply from bytes=32 time=50ms TTL=49

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 50ms, Maximum = 83ms, Average = 66ms

from montreal videotron
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=37ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=38ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=35ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=37ms TTL=48

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 35ms, Maximum = 38ms, Average = 36ms

From Toronto, Rogers network
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=45ms TTL=49
Reply from bytes=32 time=44ms TTL=49
Reply from bytes=32 time=51ms TTL=49
Reply from bytes=32 time=82ms TTL=49

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 44ms, Maximum = 82ms, Average = 55ms

From Vancouver:
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=75ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=76ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=74ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=75ms TTL=48

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 74ms, Maximum = 76ms, Average = 75ms

As per your requirement we have following VPS Plan to offer-

BODHost Linux Tech 01 -

Processor - Dual Xeon 3.0
Disk Space - 10 GB
Monthly Bandwidth - 400 GB
Guaranteed RAM - 256 MB
Burstable RAM - 1 GB
2 Dedicated IPs provided
O.S. - CentOS/Fedora Core/Debian/Gentoo
Control Panel - Cpanel/WHM
Full Root Access
Dedicated CPU
Dedicated RAM
PHP / MySQL / Perl / SSI / CGI-BIN
Installation of Custom Softwares
Instant Reboot Capability
Unlimited Domains to Host
Unlimited POP3 E-mail Accounts
Unlimited Mailing Lists
Free Custom Name Server
Web Statistic Analyzer
Fully Managed
24 x 7 Monitoring
24 x 7 Support
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Database Support
99.96% Uptime Guarantee
No Setup Fee
and Many More
Price - $30/Month

For further more details contact our sales department through http://support.bodhost.com or send us an email at sales @ bodhost.com

Jack Russell
Sales & Marketing Department
Hostaga Internet Solutions


We provide the following VPS plans at competitive prices:

VPS-L1 - $9.95/Month
100 GB Quality Bandwidth
64 MB Guaranteed RAM
2 GB Disk Space
1 Dedicated IP

VPS-L2 - $19.95/Month
150 GB Quality Bandwidth
128 MB Guaranteed RAM
5 GB Disk Space
1 Dedicated IP

VPS-L3 - $29.95/Month
200 GB Quality Bandwidth
256 MB Guaranteed RAM
10 GB Disk Space
2 Dedicated IPs

VPS-L4 - $39.95/Month
300 GB Quality Bandwidth
384 MB Guaranteed RAM
20 GB Disk Space
3 Dedicated IPs

VPS-L5 - $49.95/Month
500 GB Quality Bandwidth
512 MB Guaranteed RAM
30 GB Disk Space
4 Dedicated IPs

All our plans come with the following premium support and services :

All our VPS include...
  • OpenVZ Technology
  • HyperVM VPS Panel
  • Free Setup
  • 24/7 Support
  • Affordable Management Options
  • Free migration Assistance
  • Full Root SSH Access
  • Choose of OS - CentOS, Debian, Fedora, Gentoo, Suse, Ubuntu
  • CP Options - cPanel, cPanel + RVSkins/Fantastico, Plesk, Webmin
  • Equal Share CPU
  • Simple Upgrades
  • Easy & Assisted Upgrades to Dedicated Servers

These are the special coupon codes that you can avail (Maximum of two) , after your purchase to get reduce your cost and increase your specs.

  • MEMORY PLEASE - Your VPS will be upgraded for free with 64 MB additional RAM for the life of the account.
  • FREE BANDWIDTH - 100 GB Additional bandwidth added to your VPS' monthly limit!
  • STORAGE PLEASE - Another 2GB storage space added to your VPS for free.
  • $5 OFF CPANEL - Control panels aren't cheap but the coupon code cpan5off will make it that way for you!
  • $10 OFF MANAGED - Let our popular management team ( SeeksAdmin.com ) take care of your VPS! Coupon code: manage10off.

( Order Now ) - http://www.hostaga.com/vps-order.php


Important Links...

More VPS Details - http://hostaga.com/vps-virtualprivateserver-hosting.php
Why VPS? - http://www.hostaga.com/vps-hosting-why.php
Management - http://www.hostaga.com/vps-managed.php
Control Panels - http://www.hostaga.com/vps-panels.php

We look forward to hosting you! Have a great day!

Best Regards,

Hostaga Sales Team

I'm with a company called AptHost. We've been in business for over 6 years and I've got a great Reseller Plan for you.

The Plan is $25 a month and it includes 12gb of disk space and 125gb of bandwidth. It is completely anonymous, overselling is allowed. All of our servers are top of the line so having any required amount of server or memory wouldn't be a problem.

For more info, including server specifications, please take a look at http://www.apthost.com/reseller.php

Our datacenter is located in Chicago which is a major hub for Canada and we are located in Vancouver ourselves.

We would also be happy to transfer any and all of your cPanel accounts for free.

If you have any further questions please feel free to call me anytime at 1-800-903-0648 ex 644

Thank you all for posting.
We have found a reseller that suited our needs.

Thanks to HD for allowing this post.
You may close this thread ........
WorldCom said:
We have found a reseller that suited our needs.
Thanks to HD for allowing this post.
Thank you for letting us know. Good luck with your new host.

Thread closed.
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