Looking for First Month Free Dedicated Server

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New member
Hi All,

We are the "Buck A Gig" web hosting people and we're looking to become the "$Something A Gig VPS" people. We're past the financial feasibility stage and now need to get into the technical feasibility stage. We need to get a box set up, virtualized, and loaded with a VPS control panel and the other goodies we'll need and then do some testing. Problem is, we're still a pretty small company and don't want to eat the cost of another dedicated server at this point when we know it's not going to make any money for that first month.

I've seen dedicated server providers post offers now and again offering the first month free, but I don't see anything at the moment. If anyone is willing to PM or post such an offer, please do so :)

Oh, actually, this board doesn't send me PM notifications so if you're inclined to PM me, please also ping me with an email to info [at] hostingpuppy.com.

Why do you want the first month free?
Any reputable company will offer a money back guarantee.
A free month is usually an act of desperation and has to be built in to the overall cost of leasing the server anyway.
The only time I've seen someone give a free month for a server, is when they've messed up with the server or just made a huge error on their part. So in return, they give you a free month.

I have seen deals on the 1st month free, though not lately. However, they usually want some deposit or make you pay for the 2nd month upfront etc..
Blue said:
No. Actually you were not clear on this at all. Perhaps you could explain better.

Really? Weird. Here:

We are the "Buck A Gig" web hosting people and we're looking to become the "$Something A Gig VPS" people. We're past the financial feasibility stage and now need to get into the technical feasibility stage. We need to get a box set up, virtualized, and loaded with a VPS control panel and the other goodies we'll need and then do some testing. Problem is, we're still a pretty small company and don't want to eat the cost of another dedicated server at this point when we know it's not going to make any money for that first month.

I thought that was pretty clear, but I'm getting some bad vibes from you. You seem to have an issue with my post although I'm not sure why.

As Harry has pointed out (and I've seen myself) these deals do exist if you keep your ear to the ground. In fact, one host (On the Spot, I think?) has a standing offer for first month free which I may take them up on depending on how some other things turn out.
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I have no issue at all with your post. I just question why first month free should be an issue when shopping for a dedicated server. If you are a small company than it would make far more sense to start with a VPS and expand from there rather than take on the cost of a dedicated server.
Blue said:
I have no issue at all with your post. I just question why first month free should be an issue when shopping for a dedicated server. If you are a small company than it would make far more sense to start with a VPS and expand from there rather than take on the cost of a dedicated server.

You can't virtualize a VPS, dude.

Edit: Should have added. We already have two dedis but they're for shared hosting. The VPS thing is a new branch we want to try out.
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Hostingpuppy email me at patrick [at] galaxy-hosts.com and we may be able to work something out. We can help you through the entire virtualization process as well.
That would probably something hard ot come by, i know axishost has the second month free or 1/2 off the first 2 months and futurehosting gives out a 7 day free trial on vps i believe.... that seems to be the closest to this that i know of at the moment.

Good luck either way ;)
Three months free hosting

Hi, you can get the first three months hosting free, but you have to pay up front for the whole year. If you are interested I can give you a link to do so.

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