Looking for expert opinion


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Running a Web Hosting Business & using WHMCS for billing. It's a Branded WHMCS license & My website is developed on a WHMCS Template. So Powered by WHMCS appeared on the whole site. Will it harm my Branding? Looking for expert opinions.

Running a Web Hosting Business & using WHMCS for billing. It's a Branded WHMCS license & My website is developed on a WHMCS Template. So Powered by WHMCS appeared on the whole site. Will it harm my Branding? Looking for expert opinions.


No, it will have no negative effect, if fact it could get you new customers as if prospective users search 'Powered by WHMCS' yous could appear high in the list depending where it is searched from
Good Evening,

The powered by WHMCS Link back has absolutely no negative effects in your business.

If anything it shows your professional, as you are using a well known billing system, and from the link back they can see you paid reasonable money for it, and you didn't 'cheap' out on your clients security.

- Kieran
No negative effects if Powered by WHMCS words appeared on your site.

However, you have to purchase a no branding license in order for the powered by line not to show. :)