Looking for (Dedic/Shared)...

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New member
Looking for a hosting for file project.

/* What I need, if it will be dedicated (at least): */

CPU: Celeron 2 Ghz
RAM: 512
HDD: 80 Gb
BW: unmetred (4-5 mbit)
OS: FreeBSD 5.4 pre-installed (ports + src only)
Support: 1-2 reboots/mo

Bugdet: 80-90$/mo


/* If it is shared hosting: */

MOD NOTE: Hosts are not allowed to make unmetered bandwidth offers on shared hosting, so your request has been removed.

Important notes:

Actual BW is - 4-5 Tb/mo max.
Content - not the mostly legal in the world, but NOT cracks/serials, porn/child porn or something.
Payments - PayPal _only_.

You can contact me by email - admin (@) chgk.in, or simply, leave your offers. Thank you.
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You are going to have an extremely hard time finding anyone to provide you with 4-5TB of bandwidth for your budget.

In fact a dedicated server with that bandwidth transfer alone runs at about $300-500 per month.

Good luck
ANMMark said:
You are going to have an extremely hard time finding anyone to provide you with 4-5TB of bandwidth for your budget.

In fact a dedicated server with that bandwidth transfer alone runs at about $300-500 per month.

Good luck
Very much agreed.
MOD NOTE: All unlimited space and/or unlimited bandwidth offers (including unmetered bandwidth) will be deleted. You have to state real resource limitations with any offer. We rely on your future coopeartion. Thank you.
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You won't get want you are looking for with the price, as others have said, but if I were interested I would be a lot more concerned with:

Content - not the mostly legal in the world, but NOT cracks/serials, porn/child porn or something.

What exactly is the content you are looking to have hosted?
_MiF_ said:
Looking for a hosting for file project.

/* What I need, if it will be dedicated (at least): */

CPU: Celeron 2 Ghz
RAM: 512
HDD: 80 Gb
BW: unmetred (4-5 mbit)
OS: FreeBSD 5.4 pre-installed (ports + src only)
Support: 1-2 reboots/mo

Bugdet: 80-90$/mo

you can get a Dell P4 2.8 Ghz, 512 GB RAM, 80 GB SATA. But still bandwidth would cost you more.

Important notes:

Actual BW is - 4-5 Tb/mo max.
Content - not the mostly legal in the world, but NOT cracks/serials, porn/child porn or something.
Payments - PayPal _only_.
Paypal valid option. All content must comply to US laws.
I am not going to post about bandwidth since it has been posted several times now.

Content - not the mostly legal in the world, but NOT cracks/serials, porn/child porn or something.

You are going to have to justify that to your provider or to us because your server can be terminated without notice with some providers even if it is "Not the most legal" content in the world.
agrennor, fail to read the rules did we?

You must post a package, you are not permitted to simply direct the op to your site.
_MiF_ said:
Content - not the mostly legal in the world, but NOT cracks/serials, porn/child porn or something.
Hmmmm...we still didn't receive the answer to this one....did we? :rolleyes:
It could be anything as Warez softwares, pirated movies etc. that take a lot of space & bandwidth.

By the way, there is NO term like "mostly legal". Either it is legal or it is illegal.:devil:
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