Looking for a web host for a vBulletin forum/etc

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You just gotta find a host that offers the newer versions of php & mySQL. Also that offers it for the right price. There are tons of web hosts out there. Im sure you'll find what you are looking for. Preferably find a host that offers cPanel.

Most hosting providers offer the latest stable versions of PHP and MySql :smash:
Yeah thats true.. Most of the companies offer latest php5.x and mysql5.x versions. Infact, its better to confirm with the company that you wish to go with prior to signing up with them. Further, make sure the web hosting company offers flexible upgrades.. For eg, initially if you have shared hosting, make sure the upgrade path to a larger hosting such as semi-dedicated OR vps hosting and later to dedicated hosting is flexible and is possible.. If the website needs more resources in future, the flexible upgrade path will avoid any possible loss to the website..
Its up to your self what you want to go for.

Hosting: Cheaper and managed by a professional in its area.

VPS: High in fibure... full system resources not sharing with possible 100 of other websites... bit of work needed on your end but not impossible.... Google is your friend :D

as for forums... they are easy to install step by step and done :P
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