Looking for a sponsor

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New member
I'm representing Host4Post.eu here. I'm posting here to request a sponsorship from hosting companies.

Host4Post.eu is online forum where people get free vps and free hosting for staying active. Our mission is to offer freebies to a large group of users.

We currently have around 149 users with almost 1606 posts in 303 threads. We get 1-3 new members daily but many of them don't really stick around just because we don't have enough sponsors to meet their requirements.

I believe that we can do much better than our competitors and defeat them in every aspect if we get more and more sponsors. We've a professional staff and we dedicate our most of the time to Host4Post.

If you sponsor us, you will receive a place in the rotating banner at the top of the website and a backlink from footer. You will also receive a side-bar banner at our blog.

If you are interested in this, please mail me at socrates@host4post.eu or PM me here at HD.
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