Looking for a Partner


New member
Hi There,
Let me give you the run down on what I am seeking now for TDLHosting.com. After giving alot of thought towards this, I have decided that it would be prudent to seek a partner for TDLHosting.com or to find someone who would be interested in taking over TDLHosting.com and allowing me to maintain an open position with the company. I do admit im not very good at running a business alone, I have always had success in working with others in this field. If anyone is interested or has another plan in mind, please do reply here, or contact me at travis@tdlhosting.com or on AIM at TLivengood 928.

Much Thanks!
I have found a terrific partner! Im not sure if he wants his name to be released so ill let him give an introduction if he wishes :)
I can help with *RU & *SU domain registration

I live in Moscow and could help any hoster to introduse *RU & * SU domain name registration for ISP price ($25 & $100 per year). You can check www.nic.ru (official RU domain service).
If you are interested in my proposition - contact me via email, ICQ or phone. For my service I ask for 1Gb hosting.

MOD NOTE: Edited. Just adding a link to the english version of the above link: http://www.nic.ru/en/index.html
Dear Alex,

Thank you for letting us know this information. We will contact you if we require your assistance. Once again thank you!

Merry Christmas

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