Long unbroken blocks of text - do you skip over those?


HD Moderator
Staff member
One of my pet peeves is long, unbroken blocks of text, especially when it's something I really want to read. Is it just me, or do others do like I do and just skip over that and look for something easier to read? Do you think this adds to higher bounce rates?
In these days of information overload we all became a bit spoiled when it comes to absorbing a content. So people not only look for content they need, but they want it to be in a form they prefer. That form, in most cases, is the one, that requires minimal efforts and/or minimal time to perceive. To put it simply - yes, for many of us blocks of text are kind of a challenge. Book is made of such blocks and I don't know many people reading books these days. But there are ones, that do. Humanity still has a chance :agree: This was a block of text not so easy to read :)
Blocks of text are definitley things that I try to avoid as much as possible. My enter key on the keyboard doesn't quite get the same usage as a space bar, but it gets almost as much usage as a shift key :)

Paragraphs should be 3-5 sentences long. I get just as annoyed on pages that are a new linebreak after every sentence, although this has become more the norm on blog posts.

If a page doesn't have a headings to break up where I'm going, I just skim a page. Most of us are skimmers these days, unless it's something we really have to know (like a tech manual or a how-to guide).