Login vps control panel


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Hello is it login via the node ip to veportal as secure as login by your own vps ip?
Doesnt it represent a hole in security login to veportal panel via the node`s ip?
Hello is it login via the node ip to veportal as secure as login by your own vps ip?
Doesnt it represent a hole in security login to veportal panel via the node`s ip?

VePortal like SolusVM use the servers IP for login as this is the server control panel.

so if you have a VPS then it will use the main VPS IP and not the actual Nodes IP
VePortal like SolusVM use the servers IP for login
Do you mean the node?

Your next explanations are understood,which u are sayin that usually people enter their vps with their actual ip and here is where you didnt understand what I meant is that by loging with the node~s ip wont cause failure in security I mean people scanning the node ip to get my userrname

Thank you very much for reading,appreciate
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Yes but the question is if each of those two options is the same in safety?

they are both as risky as each other security wise, all this depends on what sort of security measures are installed and active on the Main Node and/or the VPS.

we purposely purchase our own SSL certs for our server hostnames rather than rely on the systems self certs for the hostname. also have firewalls/mod sec and a few others installed on every VPS we have. This may cost us money, but at least our servers are locked down security wise.
You are giving me a very cute lesson in reinforcing the vps security,is true what you say because they all have https but those certificates might be figuired out,what is the procedure to buy your own certificate and how much it cost you yearly?

Thank you very much for reading
The ssl certificate is the one that is purchased with our registrars aint it for about 20 bucks yearly
and is as good?,would you recommend?

for the last 2 years we have used a Globe Standard SSL Certificate at $8.90 a year without issue.

The reason i stopped using them is that we had several ssl certs with them, and after cancelling them and having no invoices for them, their system would still send auto generated emails telling us to pay the invoice to renew ( even after the invoice was cancelled) and their support/billing took days to reply and it would be just ignore them they cant do anything as they are auto generated, but how can you have an auto generated invoice reminder when their is no invoice.

so now we just use a Comodo Positive SSL which we got from our ssl reseller, so we are only paying our reseller rate ÂŁ2.95. our upstream provider told us a simple positive ssl would do
That is like 6 dollars,so rapid and alpha are out of the question ,can your ssl provider work for us too,it seems good price

By the way if you had to login to your veportal panel via the node~S IP you wouldnt feel threaten or controlled by your host?,however I guess they do these kind of procedures in order to spend less because giving clients their own ip along with :2047 might be more expensive for them or is the same?

thank you
That is like 6 dollars,so rapid and alpha are out of the question ,can your ssl provider work for us too,it seems good price

By the way if you had to login to your veportal panel via the node~S IP you wouldnt feel threaten or controlled by your host?,however I guess they do these kind of procedures in order to spend less because giving clients their own ip along with :2047 might be more expensive for them or is the same?

thank you

we use gogetssl.com as an ssl provider they allow you to resell

Comodo SSL ~ GeoTrust SSL ~ Symantec SSL ~ Thawte SSL ~ RapidSSL ~ Comodo Security Tools

a majority of upstream providers place Veportal/solusVM on the main node IP as its is cheaper for them.
And you havent reselled?,well as a veinture :-)
Thanks for info hon

Thats what I thaught this guys changed from giving loging to veportal from our own ips to the node ip in order to cut expenses,but still would you use it like that without fear?

By the way if you had to login to your veportal panel via the node~S IP you wouldnt feel threaten or controlled by your host?
And you havent reselled?,well as a veinture :-)
Thanks for info hon

Thats what I thaught this guys changed from giving loging to veportal from our own ips to the node ip in order to cut expenses,but still would you use it like that without fear?

By the way if you had to login to your veportal panel via the node~S IP you wouldnt feel threaten or controlled by your host?

all our servers use SolusVM, which use either the main nodes IP or an IP that is not in our IP pool and we always connect under https, but i dont think solus VM allows using a VPS IP as it has to be on a master IP on the node. I think VePortal may be also going this way.

But this does not bother me or make me feel threatened/controlled by my host.

I prefer my upstream provider to pipe in and sort issues if they find them. an example today. i get a brute force notice that was from the area where my server is located, but not from the same DC, so contacted my provider who told me it was them they were cleaning one of my account that seemed to have been hacked and was being used as a bot on IRC. i have only set up this account last week using an OSC template and had not had the time to add anything to the site,so to save my provider spending their time cleaning the account i told them to remove the account as it saves a lot of their time and will also prevent the exploit getting into the rest of the server
So on solous vm youve always logged by the nodes ip and you are still as comfortable with your host,without any issue of lack of trust?

Is sad to hear that but now adays you only sell web hosting isnt it,so they didnt hack your dedicated server,however this dont have to do with the matters related here is just somehow to imply that you get to rely on ur providers

thank you
So on solous vm youve always logged by the nodes ip and you are still as comfortable with your host,without any issue of lack of trust?

Is sad to hear that but now adays you only sell web hosting isnt it,so they didnt hack your dedicated server,however this dont have to do with the matters related here is just somehow to imply that you get to rely on ur providers

thank you

yes no lack of trust with my host. I can ask them anything. they have even helped me setup things on servers i have had with other providers.
so no lack of trust at all login by the nodes ip at all?

true no lack of trust at all, why should i. if you look and ask most VPS providers then 99.9% of them will use a nodes IP or a separate IP not controlled by the VPS client for SolusVM etc.
yes like you say both are equal in safety but one is cheaper indeed than the other thank you bro