Live Help??

mikem said:
The problem with IM is that your clients want to be friends which isn't a bad thing don't get me wrong. When your IM lists starts to fill up you just don't have the time to "chat" with all of them about non-work related topics. I had to stop the MSN support due to this because it was overwhelming how long you'd end up chatting and not getting any work done.
I totally can relate to this. Soon I have to ditch AIM support because (a) too many customers abuse it and (b) I don't get anything done
I use to use live chat all the time, but it wasn’t worth being online all the time, and no one asking for any help, or paying techs to do nothing, except sit there and wait... lol - I now use a ticket system, and every time someone submits a ticket, all techs and I will receive an email about someone submitting a ticket. So now we offer 24/ 7 support ticket.
i dont think life chat works that well you get alot of time wasters but for the people who really have real issues it could be very useful
Yea, its usually somthing like "How do I login to cPanel" Or "how much is this plan, when its all right there on the front page :)
I would not even consider livehelp if your a small concern, I think you would waste alot of time support customers on it. Try one of those out soucring companies that man your live chat for a small fee I remeber one called thinksupport.
Live support can backfire on a company if it is not utilized in a professional manner. I find hosting customers turning to me as a friend for advice on everything from life to programming. Yes it can definitely be a waste of time, but I have found it to actually benefit my small business, providing a service that the larger companies do not offer! Sometimes to remain effective in business you have to offer a service like this!
The fact that we've hired Touchmind's Live Help software, is the only guilty of making my website grow up in a extraordinary way. We've notice thanx to the statistics that the soft offers, the positive response that we get from the people.
It's a very recommendable thing to do, a very one if you hire a serious service as Touchmind offers.
candy do you work for touchminds thats a very biased review.. no saying its all not true they could be a very good company.
We use Live Help Messenger by StarDevelop. It cost around $100. Theres stuff about it I like, and stuff about it don't like.

What I do like:

Easy to use.
Visitor Tracking.
Link Statistics
Customers Love It.
Very well designed.

What I don't like:

Takes way too much system memory.
Kind of Bulky
No support tickets.

I like Live Help and Enjoy using it. I have used Kayoko Support Suiteas well. It gets my thumbs up as well.
A free alternative to what I posted is HelpCenterLive. We have cPanel Auto-Installer on each of our servers, which is similar to Fantastico, except it comes with all the Fantastico scripts + more (77 Scripts to be exact) including HelpCenterLive. It is a free Support Suite and from what customers are saying, it works pretty well. It's a Free Script and I'm sure you can get it from thier website. I hope this helps :-)
I find that my clients rarely use the LiveHelp for tech support.. however, I do get a lot of sales questions on it (using Stardevelop LiveHelp Messenger by the way - nice product).