Live 24/7 Customized Tech Support

Need more information.

So is that $1 base monthly price, no matter what, PLUS $1 per incident? Would that cover any tech problems or only specifics?
ram133 said:
Would you pay $1 monthly and $1 per incident for 24/7 live tech support customized for your company?
1$ per month per customer. Unlimited incidents. If you are a host with 20 customers, your charge is $20 monthly. Not launched yet, in a few more days...
God yes!

I don't know a company who offers 24/7/365 tech support for that
cheap price. I'd even offer $1/per client/per month as well as $1
per incident. This'd be great I tell yas, cheap too.

It'd be even better if you managed the server too. ;) :P
Nope i wouldn't. We wouldn't trust someone outside of my employ to talk directly to or support our very valuable clients.
It actually depends on the company exp. I would willing to spend more that $1 if the company has great experience and that can solve problems in minutes.
I'll go with Mark on this one. I would never trust outsourced support. The answers are too generic and there is no personal touch.
Nope, although $1/client/month/ticket sounds cheap, once you get a fair few clients, or lots of tickets it's better to have in-house support staff
Outsourcing:: Get under the Skin!!!

Hello All,
as you might have seen my post about indepth analysis of the phenomenon called outsourcing,but it is not like that it is something worse to do.

lets take it in this way that web hosts should know what to outsource when and what kind of business process to follow when getting the work process smooth by outsourcing it,
As for the people who know how to handle outsourcing ,they have been benefited a lot in every terms.
In this fiercely competetive industry to keep the Costs under check is an important issues to deal with.


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Now, my company is bigger. My company is more reputable, and more reliable. Now - I wouldn't use out source at all. For the simple reason I prefer having inhouse staff, and I'd feel all alone in my office. ;)

However I don't agree with Blue on this. I agree, now I wouldn't use outsource, never did actually and never will either, but for me - a company that laughs around and makes jokes with its clients isn't a coprorate company, and seems more like a "round the corner Bobs scratch and sniff clinic". This however, is only my oppinion - I make sure though all my staff are formal, always professional in their manner, and never joke around with the client - to some a joke might be fun, but for my company a joke can end up being me losing or gaining ten's to hundred's to thousand's of dollars.
Anjay, which part do you disagree with me on? My only reply in this thread referred to lack of detailed answers and lack of personal support.
Which of these are you opposed to?
Personally I disagree with the "and there is no personal touch." I agree however, outsource can lack detail. The only part I disagree is the personal touch part. As I always say to my clients and my staff:

"To some a joke might be fun, but for my company a joke can end up me losing or gaining ten's to hundred's to thousand's of dollars."
I don't understand where you get the "joke" part from.
There is a big difference between offering personalized service and joking around with clients.
It's all about using good judgement and trusting the judgement of the people who provide support for you.
It really depends... If you think you have a good grib of clients, and loosing one extra client that doesn't approve of paying for customer tech is fine with you... then it's ok... But as a startup, I advise you to put in atleast 18-20 hours online waiting for tickets, support, etc. Have a friend to help you out, take turn, shifts.
LOL,, I think $1 for 24x7 support is tooooooo low and $1 per incident is toooo high !
LOL, I dont know how will things work out for 24x7 support for $1 ! and we all know there is no limit for issues in hosting industry to go with $1 per incident basis..

A fixed price although will be a better idea ..!