Lite Speed or Apache?

If you have the money for it, go with LiteSpeed. Much better load control and speed. Otherwise Apache works.
Unless you are hosting a few low-resource sites or make use of custom Apache modules then LiteSpeed is a very worthwhile investment.
We feel the small cost $14 for Litespeed is well worth the spend, just wish Cpanel would catch up and understand more hosts now use litespeed rather than tell you if you need their assistance to switch back to apache so they can help you.
We will have to continue with the apache untill cPanel, Plesk support it.

You mean like the EasyApache script they use?

We have some LiteSpeeds running here with cPanel without issue. It does require thinking outside the box and you can't use the EasyApache type script that comes with cPanel by default - but you can easily compile at the command level and have everything up and running.

LiteSpeed also has a cPanel plugin that you can use. A few clicks and a redirect and you're off and running in less than 5 minutes.
You mean like the EasyApache script they use?

We have some LiteSpeeds running here with cPanel without issue. It does require thinking outside the box and you can't use the EasyApache type script that comes with cPanel by default - but you can easily compile at the command level and have everything up and running.

LiteSpeed also has a cPanel plugin that you can use. A few clicks and a redirect and you're off and running in less than 5 minutes.

yes Litespeed runs perfect with Cpanel, but if you have any issues with anything that requires you opening a ticket with cpanel techs where they need to access your server, if they see you run Litespeed they will ask you to swich to Apache before they can assist as they dont support Litespeed systems
Apache + varnish.....why?

when i was testing varnish and apache showed lower load on the server and the page's loaded faster ( i was testing with 50 user simultaneous rampup from 10 users)

We use nginx, litespeed, and apache on our servers as the cases change. We found nginx as a reverse caching proxy does a pretty good job in front of apache and you can still give your clients dynamic apache support.
Apache. Only because I am very familiar with it and LightSpeed costs money. Web Servers should be free and you shouldn't have to pay for them. Apache can be just as fast as light speed with enough memory and the right optimization settings in Apache. Apache is not slow by any means, however it CAN be slow if you don't have it optimized and not enough memory to support the resources. Stick with Apache, it's well known and great support!
LiteSpeed is definitely a lot faster but Apache is free. Unless you're hosting a ginormous amount of websites on a server and don't think the specs will be able to handle such a load, i'd recommend LiteSpeed over Apache.

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