Thought I'd share this:
So I'm passing a smile on to each of you. Let's infect the world.
A smile can be very contagious
You can catch it like the flu
Someone smiled at me today
I started smiling too
When I went around the corner
This guy saw my grin
And when he started smiling
I knew I passed it on to him
Then I got to thinking just what a smile is worth
A smile like ours could travel all around the earth
So if you feel a smile coming on
Don’t keep it undetected
Smile at someone next to you and
We’ll get the whole world infected
You can catch it like the flu
Someone smiled at me today
I started smiling too
When I went around the corner
This guy saw my grin
And when he started smiling
I knew I passed it on to him
Then I got to thinking just what a smile is worth
A smile like ours could travel all around the earth
So if you feel a smile coming on
Don’t keep it undetected
Smile at someone next to you and
We’ll get the whole world infected
So I'm passing a smile on to each of you. Let's infect the world.