List of Copyrighted Words?


New member
Does anyone know where I can find the list of copyrighted words? I don't want to get in that sort of trouble ;) when I buy domains.
I'm not sure if such a list exists. You probably want to avoid domains that contain names of big name companies like Ebay,Microsoft,Pepsi,CocaCola,etc to steer clear of lawsuits.
Single words cannot be protected by copyrighted. Otherwise i'd Copyright "Copyright" and make a fortune. Do you mean Trademarks / Servicemarks?
Sad but true

Somewhat true... Try using that word in a domain name and see what happens. I just almost got into trouble because I used the word "stealth" in my domain name... I'd like to get a list myself so this doesn't happen again.
Whatever you plan to do, don't register '' - Mr. T will sue you.

I would avoid registering known trademarks or words that pronounce the same as some companies (MikeRoweSoft vs. Microsoft). But if the word is in the dictionary - use it freely.

Artashes said:
Whatever you plan to do, don't register '' - Mr. T will sue you.

I would avoid registering known trademarks or words that pronounce the same as some companies (MikeRoweSoft vs. Microsoft). But if the word is in the dictionary - use it freely.

lol, I'll definitely keep that in mind. Do you think I am at risk with the words "simply" and "development" ? They are both in the dictionary. :dknow:
a1programmer, I do not see how one can get in trouble for using those words. They are both widely used.

1.) Words cannot be copyrighted if a word is found in a dictionary it cannot be "trademarked" ie: Windows is not trademarked as its a non-plural form of Window but per se Microsoft Windows is trademarked.

You can check for trademarks at and being a former ICANN Watchdog Board member I can say that ICANN Uniform Domain Resolution Policy requires a long process of litigation before you can lose a domain name over a trademark thats why etc are still up because its a long and expensive process.

Hope this helped!
Funny your mention I know we receive random registrations for variations on all the time.

Most are fraudulent and easy to filter, but nevertheless quite annoying.
NH-Benjamin said:
1.) Words cannot be copyrighted if a word is found in a dictionary it cannot be "trademarked" ie: Windows is not trademarked as its a non-plural form of Window but per se Microsoft Windows is trademarked.

You can check for trademarks at and being a former ICANN Watchdog Board member I can say that ICANN Uniform Domain Resolution Policy requires a long process of litigation before you can lose a domain name over a trademark thats why etc are still up because its a long and expensive process.

Hope this helped!
Thanks for mentioning this, it can actually help me.

as mentioned, the is a good place to start. If you concerned that it might bean infringement, there are a few things you could do. Starting with the easiest and least expensive:

1. Do a search on google and see what comes up.
2. Review current trademarks
3. Contact the company directly and straight out ask them
4. Get an attorney to assist you
NH-Benjamin said:
1.) Words cannot be copyrighted if a word is found in a dictionary it cannot be "trademarked" ie: Windows is not trademarked as its a non-plural form of Window but per se Microsoft Windows is trademarked.

You can check for trademarks at and being a former ICANN Watchdog Board member I can say that ICANN Uniform Domain Resolution Policy requires a long process of litigation before you can lose a domain name over a trademark thats why etc are still up because its a long and expensive process.

Hope this helped!

I'm afraid that's not entirely correct... the word stealth is in the dictionary, and I had to cancel my domain by the name of www stealth-link com

check this out.
I dont know, you might be wrong. A very good friend of mine was sued 200,000 pounds, for operatinig under the domain-name where Telkom is a telecommunications company.
Another example that I know of locally is He took the appeal to the states and still lost...I wouldn't risk anything stupid like that. You'll be safe with sticking to the dictionary and not trying to defamate big industries, people or businesses.

Good luck...