Limit Forum Ads

Other than Cloud Hosting Special Offers forums, marketplace ads are already limited to 1 thread per 7 days per forum.

Unless I do not understand your feedback.
Other than Cloud Hosting Special Offers forums, marketplace ads are already limited to 1 thread per 7 days per forum.

Unless I do not understand your feedback.

In other words: I think 1 thread per forum per week should be reduced to 1 thread in Marketplace per week (not counting cloud hosting perhaps).

The list of new posts are often filled with multiple offers from same host. This morning when I pulled up the New Posts 18 out of 18 were offers and I had noticed that the 3 newest were from same host (there may have been others)

I do have an ulterior motive for the request....hoping suggestion would make forum more attractive to end users. They seem to be scarce.
Well, it is difficult to classify "Shared Hosting" and "SSL certificates" as the same product, so if certain companies offer more than one product, then why limit their choice what to advertise this week? I understand that it clutters the new post feed, but it is up to those who visit the community to contribute in the community forums as well, start new discussions and making those forums interesting to read every day.

Marketplace forums have always been more popular and active than community forums on any forum out there.
I agree with art. Some people offer more than one thing so being able to advertise each product increases the chance of doing well. If a person is able to advertise more than once it will increase the likely hood they return to advertise again and hopefully chat with people on the forums.

That is my 2 cents.
Hosting ads should be limited to one forum at a time, per company. Perhaps at least a week apart.
I do agree with you in part, only because I'd love to see more discussion. I do think there are better ways to attract new members other than further restricting advertising in the marketplace though.
I agree with art. Some people offer more than one thing so being able to advertise each product increases the chance of doing well.

I am not saying you should not be able to advertise all your products, just one at a time.

Currently, you are advertising mostly to other hosts. I'm just thinking if the ads-to-post ratio is decreased the forum may look more attractive to new end users. Its seldom that end users post here (as end users).
What about just excluding the Marketplace from the "New Threads" search.To me that makes the most sense rather than nerfing ones ability to advertise.
another forum i use have like a percentage thingy...

in short, a user has to have x amount of posts a week/month before they can post there offers, on a ratio scale, something like 1 add / per 10 posts... anyway you could do something like this?

what this would do is either, keep the adds down, or get the topics and chatting up...

Just an idea! :)
another forum i use have like a percentage thingy...

in short, a user has to have x amount of posts a week/month before they can post there offers, on a ratio scale, something like 1 add / per 10 posts... anyway you could do something like this?

what this would do is either, keep the adds down, or get the topics and chatting up...

Just an idea! :)

Not counting this thread, my current login showed 4/5 posts as ads

To add to your idea: They should be meaningful posts, not "me too" posts or fluff like "its best to find the lowest price."
The ratio idea sounds like the way to go. There is no such thing as a free lunch. You likely would not want someone to "determine" what a "meaningful" post is, maybe just apply a minimum word count to each post in order to qualify as one.
The ratio idea sounds like the way to go. There is no such thing as a free lunch. You likely would not want someone to "determine" what a "meaningful" post is, maybe just apply a minimum word count to each post in order to qualify as one.

Current login: today was better than usual with 33/53 posts ads. But 7 of the "legit" posts were from the same "new" user inflating their post count

Back to your point. It wouldn't be hard for Artashes to determine what are the meaningful posts. Easy way would be to recognize the non-meaningful posts.

For example a post that simply states "thank you for the info" is not meaningful. Dreamtera's first 7 posts are excellent examples of non-meaningful.
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Logged in with 19 new posts. 9 of them were meaningless fluff by new poster pumping up post count. Of the 10 left, 7 were ads
This moment's stats

42 new posts
24 ads
11 number-pumping fluff posts by new poster dafthost.

That leaves 7/42 good posts
How do you get so many new posts? I always select the option to look the topics from the last 24 hours and rarely get more than 20. :confused: