owner unreasonable

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New member
Well let me start by saying I have had no interaction with I have not visited the site nor contacted any of the staff there regaurding any of their services. I have also never gotten in a fight with their owner, Ted. However, Ted, owner of has lied to get me off staff on forums that I've been staff on (2 times now) and has proceeded to ban me from, I just wanted to let you guys know how Ted can backstab you without you even provoking him. Be on the lookout as he has a multiple personality and does these things on impulse and without warning, if at all possible do NOT conduct business with him. This is a message from someone who has been around him too long and is fed up with his behavior, I do not want you to have to suffer the punishment and rath I have under his control. Beware, be smart, stay away from Ted and any services he provides.
hexstar, first of all, I cannot reach the URL you provided.

Now I'm not sure what happened between you guys, but this forum is dedicated to Web Host Reviews, not People Reviews, so I'm not sure how relevant your post is for any of our forums here at HD.

I hope you do solve the existing problem though.

This is obviously a personal problem and doesn't neccessarily mean that is a bad provider. You and the owner just didn't get along in a personal way. I dont think it is fair of you to flame his hosting services and reccommend people NEVER use them, as the problem was in no way related to his services. I hope you can maybe find a way to resolve this issue and if not I dont recommend you go around flaming him as it just makes for unpleasant reading. I suppose you are entitled to your opinion though and I respect that.

i am the owner of this site and this guy is the same guy that uses illegal IPB 2.0.3 and hands out free 2.0.3 which is illegal he has been banned from IPS 5 times with 5 different IP's he posts on my site porn and causes a ruckess everytime

none of what he said was true and the demotions were by other owner on another site and it was du to excessive spamming

as for my domain i wanted it this way so if he has issues then do not ****ing bother posting this **** about me that is not true i have 5 customers and they are 100% happy with me and my staff

my suggestion to the owners of this site do this to Mr.Hexstar ---> :banned:

because he will find something wrong on here and spam you
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