I HATE writing horrible experiences but there were so many positive experiences here and so many people here praised LT that I decided to try them out because of the praises on WHT.
I would just like to share my horrible experience with LayeredTech. Their network may be excellent (if not the best) but their customer support has been very lousy and is not worth the savings IMHO. Please note their Due Times in regards to ticket responses and how they were not able to meet any of them.
OK so before ordering I asked them if they could install FreeBSD 6.0 instead of 5.4 on my server and they stated no. So I said alright I'll just go ahead with the 5.4 version with DirectAdmin.
I ordered the server on November 30th and it took them around 3 days to setup my account. That was fine as they stated that it takes them 3 days to setup the server. But what was not fine was that their techs gave me logins that did not work.
So I sent a ticket:
Opened: Fri Dec 2 2005 12:12AM
Last Msg: Fri Dec 2 2005 01:21AM
Took a little over one hour to fix their mistakes (Do they not check the accounts manually once they set them up?).
Now I searched through WHT here and found out that LT indeed does offer FreeBSD 6.0 and hence I went to the reload OS option and lo and behold FreeBSD 6.0 was available (with DirectAdmin). Now unofficially DA does not support 6.0 as of yet ALTHOUGH I have a server running DA with 6.0 without any problems as have many others. I saw the price was $50 to do a reload so I decided to upgrade the system myself. Unfortunately while doing the mergemaster process the computer crashed and well...that was the end of that (I understand the value of self-managed and well tried to save some money and doing it as I have done it many times successfully). So I went back and ordered the server reload WHICH WAS PROMISED WITHIN 24 Hours according to their reload form.
I waited the 24 hours and heard nothing in regards to my reload (not even a confirmation). I then sent a support ticket request in regards to my reload and if there was any information I can get since nothing was being done (The server was still not working properly and was unusable).
Opened: Sat Dec 3 2005 11:09AM
Last Msg: Sat Dec 3 2005 01:22PM
Due: Sat Dec 3 2005 12:10PM
After a couple of hours of waiting I was told that they would work on my system now and on Sat Dec 3 2005 02:21PM my reload information came to me (thank god).
Reload Ticket:
Opened: Fri Dec 2 2005 10:59AM
Last Msg: Sat Dec 3 2005 02:21PM
Due: Fri Dec 2 2005 10:59PM
But that was not all. DirectAdmin was not installed properly (the license file was improperly installed). I fixed many other minor issues with DA but since the license key could not be read, I was unable to get DA installed myself. Now I could just cancel their DA subscription and install my own without any problems (There is noting wrong with 6.0 and DA again I repeat I've installed it several times on test servers). Currently the ticket has STILL not be replied to and it was submitted a while ago.
Opened: Sat Dec 3 2005 02:58PM
Last Msg: Sat Dec 3 2005 02:59PM
Due: Sat Dec 3 2005 03:59PM
Their techs when installing DA should have realized that the compat5x port should have been installed and there would have been no problems. I did that and rebuild the processes such as apache, named, etc... and DA errors were a at minimum however the license and the DA installation was corrupted hence I am unable to run it and still waiting for that last ticket to be replied to...which it is now WELL beyond the due date above. Even for unmanaged services this was a pretty low level of service one could have experienced and I thought that I would share this with everybody. Currently I am looking towards a chargeback and a resolution with Paypal before I issue the chargeback as I have STILL not received a fully working server and I was told that the one I wanted was not available in sign up when it really was. This was a bait and switch to me. This was my first horrible experience with a datacenter (yes there were things here and there with others as well but nothing on this magnitude to post on WHT).
I guess I am just frustrated because all of their due times have gone by without any answers and their promises for my server have gone unfulfilled...and their choices of available OS choices were falsely stated to me.
I would just like to share my horrible experience with LayeredTech. Their network may be excellent (if not the best) but their customer support has been very lousy and is not worth the savings IMHO. Please note their Due Times in regards to ticket responses and how they were not able to meet any of them.
OK so before ordering I asked them if they could install FreeBSD 6.0 instead of 5.4 on my server and they stated no. So I said alright I'll just go ahead with the 5.4 version with DirectAdmin.
I ordered the server on November 30th and it took them around 3 days to setup my account. That was fine as they stated that it takes them 3 days to setup the server. But what was not fine was that their techs gave me logins that did not work.
So I sent a ticket:
Opened: Fri Dec 2 2005 12:12AM
Last Msg: Fri Dec 2 2005 01:21AM
Took a little over one hour to fix their mistakes (Do they not check the accounts manually once they set them up?).
Now I searched through WHT here and found out that LT indeed does offer FreeBSD 6.0 and hence I went to the reload OS option and lo and behold FreeBSD 6.0 was available (with DirectAdmin). Now unofficially DA does not support 6.0 as of yet ALTHOUGH I have a server running DA with 6.0 without any problems as have many others. I saw the price was $50 to do a reload so I decided to upgrade the system myself. Unfortunately while doing the mergemaster process the computer crashed and well...that was the end of that (I understand the value of self-managed and well tried to save some money and doing it as I have done it many times successfully). So I went back and ordered the server reload WHICH WAS PROMISED WITHIN 24 Hours according to their reload form.
I waited the 24 hours and heard nothing in regards to my reload (not even a confirmation). I then sent a support ticket request in regards to my reload and if there was any information I can get since nothing was being done (The server was still not working properly and was unusable).
Opened: Sat Dec 3 2005 11:09AM
Last Msg: Sat Dec 3 2005 01:22PM
Due: Sat Dec 3 2005 12:10PM
After a couple of hours of waiting I was told that they would work on my system now and on Sat Dec 3 2005 02:21PM my reload information came to me (thank god).
Reload Ticket:
Opened: Fri Dec 2 2005 10:59AM
Last Msg: Sat Dec 3 2005 02:21PM
Due: Fri Dec 2 2005 10:59PM
But that was not all. DirectAdmin was not installed properly (the license file was improperly installed). I fixed many other minor issues with DA but since the license key could not be read, I was unable to get DA installed myself. Now I could just cancel their DA subscription and install my own without any problems (There is noting wrong with 6.0 and DA again I repeat I've installed it several times on test servers). Currently the ticket has STILL not be replied to and it was submitted a while ago.
Opened: Sat Dec 3 2005 02:58PM
Last Msg: Sat Dec 3 2005 02:59PM
Due: Sat Dec 3 2005 03:59PM
Their techs when installing DA should have realized that the compat5x port should have been installed and there would have been no problems. I did that and rebuild the processes such as apache, named, etc... and DA errors were a at minimum however the license and the DA installation was corrupted hence I am unable to run it and still waiting for that last ticket to be replied to...which it is now WELL beyond the due date above. Even for unmanaged services this was a pretty low level of service one could have experienced and I thought that I would share this with everybody. Currently I am looking towards a chargeback and a resolution with Paypal before I issue the chargeback as I have STILL not received a fully working server and I was told that the one I wanted was not available in sign up when it really was. This was a bait and switch to me. This was my first horrible experience with a datacenter (yes there were things here and there with others as well but nothing on this magnitude to post on WHT).
I guess I am just frustrated because all of their due times have gone by without any answers and their promises for my server have gone unfulfilled...and their choices of available OS choices were falsely stated to me.