Kloxo anyone?


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This is the thread for the best control panel out there. IT's free, open source and just works. Offers thousands of features, a root shell and a file manager. It offers clusters also.
This is the thread for the best control panel out there. IT's free, open source and just works. Offers thousands of features, a root shell and a file manager. It offers clusters also.

OK Fine. Do you have some more information about this control panel?

I think he's pertaining to this cpanel (kloxo)...

Below is the demo link:

I tried navigating to it and it looks ok... though at first its a bit too confusing in a way there are too many small icons which i think better if group/categorized accordingly..

Changing the theme is not allowed in the demo so im not that sure if there are themes to be used to make the user experience better...

Kloxo actually may be the leading one from the open source panels. I knew few companies which been using it and had no issues most of the time with that panel. Its just works and does it's job.
When it comes to the open source control panel then one thing need to be said Webmin is the best one among all. Kloxo is a good option and in terms of features & performance it seems pretty competitive solution.

Anyway, here is the list of Kloxo features:

* Distributed Architecture
* Ability to move applications from one server to another on the fly
* IDS (Intrusion Detection System)
* Backup and Restore
* Mail server
* Webmail, answering machine …
* Statistics (web, bandwidth …)
* Installer applications (125 applications possible)
* Management of domain names
* Management of databases
* Incident Management System (ticketing)
I am from the kloxo support team i do their irc support the most

we have got a lot of people using kloxo and helping with it
I wouldn't say it's the best as there have been many bugs with Kloxo in its recent releases. I love OpenPanel, but Kloxo would be the best control panel for a hosting company.
I would tend to agree with VPS6.NET, cPanel is the best when you have paid clients simply because it's the most familiar. I wouldn't say cPanel is perfect either.
i have kloxo on a server that is workable although the server is not a production server with clients on as all the server does is have boonex RMS (red5) on it, which i just give the rms IP to clients to add to their dolphin sites on my production servers.
As a production control panel i would have to say its too cluttered and complicated for newbie users, so i would rather pay the $15 to have cpanel which everyone is familiar with and if a host cannot cover the extra $15 then they are in the wrong business
I had a personal VPS from swvps.com with Kloxo for a while, and it the basics, never had any issues.

Having said that; now I use cPanel and DirectAdmin all of the time, Kloxo seems just a bit slow and awkward.
Kloxo is too limited in that it doesn't correctly support 64-Bit CentOS 5, or CentOS 6. So I would never use it for a production box.
Kloxo is good for LEBS also, Its lwo memory so to run a site on it is nothing, I am running wordpress on a 128/258 vps with kloxo running and only using about 80mb of ram.

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