I would just like to point out some of the mistakes you made in your argument (and to be honest you seem just as petty as the "kiddies", you made your point but there’s no need to argue back LOL)!
In the UK:
- Students leave school at 16 and go into work, start there own business or go into further education.
- Do not judge "kiddies" to be all the same maturity! In the UK this is perfectly legit (in the US I would of thought the same to).
- NoChex TOS: 2.1 You must be at least 16 years old to use the
NOCHEX service.
- FastPay: If you're 16 or over, with a UK email address and current account, you can sign up. Sole traders and limited companies can apply, and you don't have to bank with NatWest. If you have all the necessary information to hand, applying online is quick and straightforward.
(Just two of the companies that I have found.)
- In the UK the rule goes: You can start your own business from the age of 16. You have to register with the tax office, if you are earning less than 4k a year you are not eligible to pay tax. Then you just keep working up until you have to start paying tax and charging vat etc
- Some "kiddies" now have a better knowledge and education than some adults.
I don't wish to start an argument with you, but I just thought I would set you straight on those few things. Yes you can object to it but you can't change the law

Also if you are confident that "kiddies" know little about business then you should not see them as your competitors. The consumer will learn the hard way, and then they will realise they need to look for a pro host, like me and you...