Is there a widget installed here for changing font size


New member
Hi, the foum's font size in the posts seems extremely small to my eyes. Is there an option to change the font size in what we are reading? If so, where is it located? Thanks, I'm not ready to admit I have bad eyes!! :help::D
Well, i think there isn't such widget. But you can make the font bigger by modifying the font size on your browser.

On firefox, press Ctrl and the plus(+) key and the font size increases.
Hi Tera, as le00 mentioned, you can modify the font via browser you use.
I am unaware of such vBulletin feature that allows users to change the size of type.
Hmm it looks fine to me here. Looks like standard size font.

If you wanted to change it forum admin side you can just adjust the css setting for this style. :thumbup: