Ipowerweb.com: whats actually going on?


New member

Anyone here have idea whats wrong with the ipowerweb registration payment? or maybe its only me and my friend are facing this kinda problem...

Recently my firend tried 4 different credit cards for registration payment. After entering the credit card info they are sending a mail confirming bout the site registration. But only withing 12~24 hours they are sendig anohter mail saying the card used for application is declined for payment. My friend got the same answer for every times (4 exactly). At last being fadeup he bought the domain from ohter hosting site and it took only 5~10 minutes to finalize the whole thing.

Now is there something we are missing here? Any one faced this kinda problem...

eagerly waiting for a reply...
It sounds like they may have changed to a new merchent acount, and the new one is not activated yet,, or, they are not taking that type of cards on the new merchant account yet.

We had a similar problem once, and it was becasue when we started a new merchant account, they did not activate all the card types we needed.

Tim L