Independent hosting technical comparison companies

20i Richard

New member
We'd like another independent company to test our page loading speeds and compare them to our competitors. The last company we used was LoadImpact - and they were great - but I was thinking that it might be better to use a different one this time. 'Two opinions are better than one' and all that!

For example, I was thinking about the 'Uptime Robot' people but they don't seem to offer that service for businesses.

Ideally, I'd like an established, trusted and competent company, but Google's no help: I just end up at the usual 'pay to win' affiliate sites.

Can anyone recommend someone with a good reputation and the tools to do the comparison effectively?
Would it not be acceptable to pay for a detailed analysis of your and your competitors sites?

If you want to test the server itself, you will probably need to get a test account with your competitor which may cost $2-5 Per Month, if you want to keep it open for visitors to compare themselves.

I generally use Gtmetrix and Pingdom Tools to test my own servers, and one of them has a ridiculous load time of 0.2-0.5 seconds for a WordPress site with over 20 plugins.
Hi Richard,

Have you tried Google PageSpeed Insights and GTmetrix. These are publicly available quality service and there is no cost for using their basic functionality. Try those so you'd find our whether you need other features and services that they might not have.