Illusion WebSite Review


New member

Hi, can you please review my first site ever, it is about illusions and i would like to know your opinion about it.. Do you like it, should i change some parts?
Thanks for your time
Im loving that menu up the top... That's really unique (from what I've seen, anyway)

The color scheme is very modern. Kind of like what you'd find on an android. I like that sort of scheme.

Bear in mind that with these kinds of media switchers (shown under the menu navigation) that the movement of these will be cached on browsers such as google chrome if the page is not currently in focus, and when switching back to the page after a period of time, will result in the media switcher catching up on everything that was missed - I think it will even do it in a seperate non-focuse'd tab. Something to consider..

Your website does not validate through w3c - and there are a few reasons for this:

1) You may have missed a closing tag somewhere - I'd check the page - if you've used good indenting, then you should be able to tell where a tag is missing if there is
2) You've used a block-level element inside an inline element (an example would be a putting a table inside a hyperlink block - or a paragraph inside a hyperlink. While it might not make the website look "bad", it might effect it's accessibility.

As for the site itself, I am really, REALLY impressed if that's your first attempt. Regardless of attempts I really, REALLY like the following:

* 960 formatting. +1 for you.
* Easy to find feed to the right. +1 for you.
* Really nice repeating img for the background. +1.
* The menu up the top is SO PRETTY! +eleventy.

... How does this site look when it needs to fallback gracefully due to lack of javascript? Has that been a consideration?

Dont get me wrong - if these things dont "concern" you, then that's fine. I'd ask the same questions to anyone, to be honest.

*** EDIT: I've just realised this website is a theme from elegantthemes - did you create this theme? If not (and you are not claiming you have) then I have given critisism for an element out of your control, and I apologise.
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