I need VPS servers multiple locations, need sugestions


New member
Hello please where i can buy VPS kvm virtualization minim 100mbps unmethred band , multiple locations like 15 -20 -50 different locations , anyone can share with me some suppliers ?
I think if you need that many locations, you are probably limited to the big cloud infrastructure providers, Digital Ocean, Linode, Vultr, UpCloud.

Of those I highly recommend UpCloud by the way.
There aren't going to be many options that are going to be able to offer you 50 locations, so you would probably need to end up with a mix of suppliers I think.

Are the locations you need mostly in Europe, US, or global?
most of them are worldwide , i know need to mixup but atlast to buy 3-4 suppliers and to have more then 50 different locations ....