About a year ago I decided it was time to upgrade from free web hosts and buy my first paid hosting plan. I can be pretty gullible so naturally I was afraid I'd pick a too-good-to-be-true site that would take my money and run. After much deliberation, I decided to go with PowWeb. All these months later I still feel I made the right decision. Sure, they've had a few technical issues lately, but they're honest people and I believe the end result will be an even better host. Since I joined my allowed bandwidth has doubled and my disk space almost tripled. Powweb also includes for free tons of features that I didn't even know I'd need when I first started out. 
We get enough host horror stories... anyone want to share a similar experience? OR, anyone use a host with features and bandwidth around the same level as Powweb's that they believe is even better?

We get enough host horror stories... anyone want to share a similar experience? OR, anyone use a host with features and bandwidth around the same level as Powweb's that they believe is even better?