I got ban from that other forum.....wha?

So Today I wake up and find out that I am ban from that other forum we know so well.

What for?
Self Promoting and shilling?? what the heck?

Anyways this is how it goes.

About a year ago I joined a Team for a web hosting company called VPSRight.com and worked with them for a few month before they decided to re-image the company under another name VPSGuys.com, at the other forum I had a name change to VPSGuys a few weeks later I left the company and I was only a marketing/sales rep there anyways.
My name at the other forum however stayed VPSGuys. While I was away the company had change hands from one owner to another. Well recently I have returned to the Hosting business and requested a name change at the other forum. Well I suggested a few VPS companies a few days ago and VPSGuys was on the list i suggested. Since I am a client with them now, well I get a email today resulting in suspension of the forums because of my name and the company I suggested. I tried to talk it out with one of the community leaders but it didnt work out and I didnt know what to tell him, I even started to scan my Photo ID.

Another problem is I own DesireHost.com hosted with VPSGuys.com But the owner of VPSGuys use to own the domain after I left VPSRight/Guys back a year ago. Now I have returned and bought the domain from them. So now they are holding that against me also.

I dont know what to do so I contacted the Community Coordinator to see if I can not get some of these false accusations dropped and my name changed and my account reopened.

What would you do?
Assuming it is WHT.
I'd personally not bother with it.

Both Anon-E-Mouse and Bear treat any WHT member like crap in my personal experience with them, and from talks with other people.

Having requested for someone else to deal with my tickets, they do forward it, but then insist on that they deal with it.

You wont get anywhere, unless Softwarerevue managed your ticket, or you go straight to InetInteractive themselves.
Im not sure I can say on here. so for now we will leave it at this. Unless I get the ok.
Sure, you can say it on here if you want to.

We've had other threads talking about other forums, so it'd be nothing new. Just keep it civil, as always. ;)

I don't know if you can do anything besides explain yourself like you're doing. People make mistakes and deserve second chances. At least I think so.
WHT isn't my favorite place based on stuff like this. Probably why my post count there is 3. I wish you the best of luck on this one bud.
oh well in that case yes it is WHT, and I am in touch with Dennis, aka SoftwareRevue, I am just said that I got treated this way since I have been a member since 2004.
When posting on WHT, it's like walking on thin ice. Say the wrong thing and you'll easily get an infraction or banned.

Posting here on HD is a much more pleasant experience.

Good luck getting your account straightened out.
When posting on WHT, it's like walking on thin ice. Say the wrong thing and you'll easily get an infraction or banned.

Posting here on HD is a much more pleasant experience.

Good luck getting your account straightened out.

Amen to that, I dont know if I will get my account back or not. I wrote dennis a very long email trying to explain evertyhing that had happened.
You may get this ironed out. Good luck. I had a hard time upfront with WHT, but after numerous emails back and forth, they understood where I was coming from and accepted my account. :D
I am hoping this will turn out well, if it does I will be on the down-low for a while :D

I am in plans to become community team at a few places that I frequent, WHT is not one those places.
Hey Randall,

I think that your explanation is legitimate. Sure you caused some complications with domain whois data and recommendations that raised their eyebrows but overall, it shows that you are not trying to scam anyone as your recommendations were based on direct experience. The only problem I personally see if you recommended the company that you were affiliated with or worked with at the time outside advertising forums. Having said that, I side with practice of treating older members with care and sending them a personal message/reminder first.
Hey Randall,

I think that your explanation is legitimate. Sure you caused some complications with domain whois data and recommendations that raised their eyebrows but overall, it shows that you are not trying to scam anyone as your recommendations were based on direct experience. The only problem I personally see if you recommended the company that you were affiliated with or worked with at the time outside advertising forums. Having said that, I side with practice of treating older members with care and sending them a personal message/reminder first.

And that is why HD is a much more pleasant forum to use. :)
See I think its a little immature to accuse members of shilling until they know the facts, but when I tried to explain they still stuck to their first accusations so I requested to speak to someone else.