ANMMark said:
What kicks the hell out of me though is when you consider that the gas that is already in that underground tank, is already delivered and paid for. That gas will cost no more to pump than it would have the day it was delivered.
I have heard that the oil & gas companies use LIFO accounting ... Last In First Out ... which means increases happen at the pumps immediately. Decreases take 3+ months to register at the pumps. Our governments should force them to use FIFO accounting ... First In First Out in my book. At least then we would have warning that the price is going up and by how much.
Bush's nemesis, Michael Moore, has an open letter to Bush published on his website that you might be interested in reading.
I have friends that live south of Baton Rouge a bit. They had some friends arrive from New Orleans arrive on Sunday to "wait out" the hurricane. They have one of those grand old plantation style houses ... lots of room. They didn't get anything in the way of damage ... they just said they have some nasty critters showing up in untraditional areas

When the learned of the devastation in New Orleans they started turning a few of their main public rooms into dormitory style bedrooms are in the process of trying to contact other friends from New Orleans to offer them a place to stay for the coming months. On Tuesday, after finally getting ahold of them, I packed up a bunch of clothes and asked the neighbors for any they wanted to get rid of ... and then sent the packages down. As they said, if the ones that are staying at their place can't use them ... there will be others that can. Trouble is ... they are having to drive out of state in order to find food they can stock up on. They figure if they fill all the beds in their house that are set up now ... they will have about 40 people. Methinks by November things might be a little too cozy for everyone
Those packages arrived on Thursday down there ... and still the news stations were reporting there was no real help for the masses.
Canada offered help on Tuesday ... and from the sounds of it ... the US was refusing it until yesterday (Friday).
As ticked off and disappointed and dismayed I might be at the US government and their "relief efforts" to date ... I am finding myself even more ticked off at the Canadian government right now. On Tuesday the government was saying they had ships loaded with supplies ready to go when the US gave the go ahead. Now that that go ahead has been given ... they are saying the ships will be loaded by Tuesday and should be in New Orleans by Friday. How many thousands of more people are going to die by the time our ships arrive??
Governments on both sides of the border have much to learn from this disaster.
The beginning of the week they were touting about our DART teams which, they said, could be deployed within hours ... and set up to provide fresh safe water, hundreds of hospital beds and be able to serve thousands of meals 3 times a day. Now that the go ahead for assistance has been received ... not one word on our DART teams.
So ... as we all know, and this disaster has confirmed ... both our governments are very skillful liars.
The thing that gets me ... everyone knew on Sunday afternoon where Katrina was going to hit and had a pretty good idea how much damage she would do. They should have started "mustering the troops" then ... so that they could just move in after the hurricane passed.
I give a lot of credit and kudo's to those few troops & the New Orleans PD for doing as much as they could do with their limited resources available and against such impossible odds. But they were just too few to do much more than make a barely noticable dent in what was needed.
And I just about croaked when I heard the prison officials just opened their doors and told all the inmates just to leave !!! What in blazes were they thinking??? Unleashing murderers, gang members and rapists on a city already victimized by Katrina !!!! As far as I am concerned ... who ever is responsible for that decision should be taken out and shot. I would not be surprised if it turns out most of the reported gun toting looters & rapists are those released from the prison.
It just boggles my mind that something like this could happen in the USA. Not the disaster ... but the governments delayed response. I figured the relief effort would be in full swing within hours after the hurricane passed. I could be wrong, but it just seems the US relief aid to the Tsunami victims was quicker than its been to the people of the Gulf Coast.
When all is said and done ... it will come as no surprise to learn that a thousand died due to the storm ... and many more times that died because of the delay in receiving help.
And ... DANG IT. There are Canadian tourists in the devastated areas ... and Canada was not given permission to even send people in to find them and bring them home until yesterday. So now ... apparently ... most of them are scattered throughout the neighboring states. That permission should have been received by Tuesday at the latest.
Enuff venting ... everyone write to their elected officials and tear strips off them right left and center. If you can't physically help, the only way for any of us to be of assistance is to donate $$$ to the agencies providing relief ... and screaming to our governments so loud that no one will dare let something like this happen ever again.