Humor: Is this a good ad campagine?


New member
"Like a little blue pill of Viagara (tm), _________ hosting gets your website up fast and keeps it up!"

(Please note: Websites that remain up for more than 4 hours may indicate a serious medical condition and we would recomend that you contact a doctor.)

I'm thinking of actually using that...but I think it might offend some customers, but others who like the joke might actually sign up...hehe.

I think it might be good for targeting adult hosting customers. They will definitely see nothing wrong with the ad. :)
heh.. i sometimes to adult banners and that's pretty damn good. another thing you would want is pictures. people identify with pictures rather than just text but that slogan right there will catch an eye because the name viagra. would be great for adult hosting sites.
Thats FUNNY!!! I would look at that and be like, wow let me check them next step is to make a GOOD looking site, don't make something plain and dull. Make something that will catch their eye while they are on the site as well.

Good slogan!
The only disavantage I see is that while you associate your company with Viagra, you would also get hurt if scientists discover something wrong with the pill and it would go off market.

I agree. I would just stop at "Like a little blue pill..." not mentioning Viagra™

There may be legal complications from using their brand to obtain clients