How to promote a forum based site.


New member
I wanted to find out what people think is the best way to advertise or promote a forum based site? Rewards for people, banners, what to do???
Very hard to offer an empty forum to public, so ask all you friends and family members to sign up, make at least 5-6 posts.

This will be a good start. Then you can start maybe advertising on content-related sites? Submission to search engines is always good.

But start with more members and more posts. That'll be the greatest help in promotion you'll get.

Also a way to promote your site is to organize a post-for-prizes contests.
i must say it's very hard. Probably because there are like millions of forums out there :(
Ours has only 233 posts and 55 register members eventhough i get about 100 unique visitors each day....i even paid for advertising but it hasn't helped ...oh well... will see where it will lead.