How much have you spent on hosting

When I had been the owner of LeslieNetworks (before the whole sponsor issue), we paid what we could afford. It had normally been about $25/month for a cloud server which had a 3.2ghz processor, 8GB ram, 120GB harddrive and 1.5TB bandwidth.

Note: Never get a sponsorship without a contract.
Kind of a mixed question as it's going to depend on what you consider having spent on hosting. As a company that provides hosting on more than 400 servers, if I was to total the cost on that, it would be vastly skewed.

That being said, our hosting website, support, billing, live chat, mail and database servers currently cost us just under $1200/month. This is strictly for OUR website so that customers can view our site and get in contact with us when needed.
To be honest I've never really kept count but if I included various companies and personal hosting, I'd say roughly $100,000 or more in 9 years.
It depends on how you calculate the fee. Our annual business spending is around $100K usd, not counting to hardware
i would say to much, it to many of the wrong places!

but spending money, in return for seeing what a host is worth, isnt a big lose if you ask me.
Well we bought our server at 300$ per month price and from then we constantly worked hard to make new clients and sometime in loss or profit I can say we did good work till now.

Buy hardware and all and counting in overall expenses is useless I think. Those things resembles to those who have their own data center.

@SonWebHost you have spent 12000$ over ten year?

As per my knowledge your domain was created in 2010. You own a single vps and sell hosting on that. I would be really interested in knowing how you spend that amount?
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No offense, but it really depends on your business scale. For someone just has 1 or some VPS, $1000 per month is too too much. But for someone has private cages in multiple data centers, $1000 per month is just a small part of their spending.

Pls don't just spam forums with your feelings, without knowing how other businesses operate.
Pls don't just spam forums with your feelings, without knowing how other businesses operate.

whos spamming the forum, he asked a valid question to which i gave a reply.

i like many will keep the exact figures private as the exact figures have no real concern to anyone else.

an example of prices

a decent VPS $40 a month
auto installers $5 a month
WHMCS $20 a month
wnmreseller/zamfoo etc $5 a month
others $20 a month

so roughly $90 to $100 a month for a single decent VPS

if you are only using a reseller or master reseller then you can say it will cost approx. $20 a month

so as stated the actual costs depends on who the host operates etc.