When I get a PayPal chargeback/dispute I just assume that it's lost revenue as it's very rare for it to workout in your favor even if you did everything right such as your terms and following the dispute process.
This is what I posted in another forum on the same subject.
Does any body use the tools provide by PayPal?
i mean that is what they are there for, for example:
The Customer service message
Create a personalised message for customer disputes.
You can find this in your profile under "Selling Tools", we use it and it has help prevent the few charge backs that may have gone through due to misunderstandings etc. The customer see this right before placing a charge back, and it is a nice way to communicate with your clients offering a way to resolve any issues or simply offer a refund before they escalate it to a charge back.
Totally understand what you are saying, but if the client goes straight for the chargeback at PayPal they are directed to this customer message first so they will see it no matter what and as I said it normally is enough to prevent the chargeback and give you and the client time to either arrange a refund or discuss the matter further and hopefully come to an arrangement that you are both happy with.It helps with a client who wants a solution but sometimes a client will ask for a chargeback without even opening a single support ticket!
Totally understand what you are saying, but if the client goes straight for the chargeback at PayPal they are directed to this customer message first so they will see it no matter what and as I said it normally is enough to prevent the chargeback and give you and the client time to either arrange a refund or discuss the matter further and hopefully come to an arrangement that you are both happy with.
Well all I can say is it works for us and others that I have suggested it to have said that it is working for them.but if a client goes straight for a chargeback without making contact with you first then a message wont do anything as they have already decided not to contact you.
but if a client goes straight for a chargeback without making contact with you first then a message wont do anything as they have already decided not to contact you.
That is exactly what is in the message we use, it has a link to our account department and a link for a refund thus avoiding a chargeback. if they click the link for the account department it gives you an opportunity to resolve the issue avoiding both a refund or chargeback if they click the link for the refund at least you avoid a chargeback.Exactly my point. Such a client has made up their mind they want money NOT support. The only message that will stop them may be is a link to request an instant unconditional refund.
That is exactly what is in the message we use, it has a link to our account department and a link for a refund thus avoiding a chargeback. if they click the link for the account department it gives you an opportunity to resolve the issue avoiding both a refund or chargeback if they click the link for the refund at least you avoid a chargeback.
If the client refuses to pay the $75 fee and continues to pursue the chargeback
Once a chargeback is started it cannot be stopped, so it will be carried out to the full.
Why can't it?
If the client pays with a credit card, one call to customer service will fix it.
Never had to deal with PayPal chargebacks, but I still believe you can inform of PayPal of a mistake and they will drop the case.