
New member is now up and running. While the site is still in its early stages, it offers newfeeds from leading industry resources and soon will have a blog, a community board, and much more.

The ultimate goal of will be to consolidate news from across the web hosting industry in a way no one has done up to this point.

Please send any ideas, partnership proposals or suggestions to :cool:
Its very good. Nice layout, very clean and crisp, although the text does clutter the page slightly and some images/advert banners, might make it a little more eye-pleasing.


Nice site but you may want to consider centering the site. I have a large montitor and resolution of 1400x1050 and it looks a bit odd with half the screen from center to right with nothing.

Also, I would maybe add some opening text to tell me what I am looking at exactly. I understand it is news.. but maybe make some stuff bold and mix it up a bit like a newspaper?
I really like the idea of this site. It looks very clean. It loads quickly. I really like it. The only critique I could give you is to make your headlines a little more eye-catching. Other than that, I'm looking forward to using it.
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