is looking for news writers


Staff member
Finding quality news writers is not an easy task.

In an effort to re-launch our news blog with fresh original weekly content, for the past couple of weeks, I have been searching for trained journalists who could eventually become members of our editorial staff.

While I have selected a few to run a trial with, I am extending this invitation to any professional technology journalist out there who might either pass by this opportunity or for members who might have writer-friends or acquaintances they can refer.

While press releases are obviously what news sites rely on, I was never interested in reprinting PR material. A news story is not a bland wiki-like article, it needs to carry a level of interest and significance to be considered newsworthy. We'd like to engage our audience by raising questions, seeking outside commentary and some level of analysis while remaining a valuable source of news and information.

For those interested to apply, we are looking for a knowledgeable approach to a constantly evolving web hosting industry and everything that it involves: from hardware to software solutions, from startups to data centers, from products to marketing.

Ready to join?

Email me at newsworthy #at#, with a "Hosting news writer application" title. Mention your resume and impress me with an up to 200-word news story sample. You have free reigns on the subject.


Would general technology writing be part of the blog, or just the hosting environment?

I've got a few hosting related posts on an old blog I use to run, and I've got a web hosting that I wrote the content for.

If you'd like to see this, please let me know and I'll link you to the relevant sites / pages.

-- Kieran
Would general technology writing be part of the blog, or just the hosting environment?

Kieran, thank you for your interest. General technology writing isn't something that we want to cover, however, your technology writing experience could come in handy, especially if you have good knowledge of the hosting industry.

You are welcome to email me directly at the address provided in the first post and include some examples of your writing.
I've emailed you the examples as requested. When will you be able to review them and get back to me?

- Kieran

I usually check emails as soon as they come in, however, given the gigantic task list that I have, among all the projects I manage, I hope to get back to you within a couple of days.