

New member

I recentely heard about HostGuard.
They seem to be quite new on the market and try to compete with SolusVM like VirtKick. While Virtkick is still in Alpha, HostGuard claims to be stable.
Did anyone of you ever used HostGuard and has experience with it?

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We haven't used HostGuard but these alternatives are certainly giving SolusVM a run for their money. SolusVM will have to keep their panel up to date and add extra features to compete. HostGuard to charge an extra $5 for their license but if there are more features available we may consider the change.
I've heard of HostGuard but haven't had time to test it. If you do run it let us all know how it goes :).

Looks like they're offering a SolusVM refugee discount also so that is nice. Good luck to their venture.
I never heard of it before.

But when I look at their forum, it's seems not very active compared to the SolusVm or Virtualizor forums. So they probably didn't have a huge customer base.

It's also seems that the project isn't very active since the last stable version date from 11 Jan 2014 (more than 1 year old) and the last beta is from 25 Feb 2014.
This is the first I've heard of them as well. I also looked at their forum and very little is going on there, but I guess that's because they haven't been around very long.