Host Quote / Leads


New member
Has anyone had any success with host quote or lead services? A couple of hosting directories offer host quote or something similar, and there are some companies out there that do the same except they sell them as leads.


Hi JP,
We've had nil success with hostquotes and leads. Our strongest means of potential clients has come from forums, search engines (google in particular) and good old fashioned cold calling local and newly established businesses.
I think the consensus would be that these services don't work. For whatever reason the experiments we have done didn't do to well. We did receive quite a bit of interest for our services but not enough to push our ROI to a respectable level.

If anyone could share a positive spin on hostquote services let us know.
Agreeing with others...we spent a substantial amount on the "directories" and "quote" services and got zip. A few inquiries but mostly stuff like "would you host my site for free if I did this or that for you" from sites which clearly stated "no free hosting" in their guidelines.
We have done better with magazine ads targeting our "niche" market and responses from our signature links on forums like this one (as well as the local stuff mentioned above). If you post good helpful information and don't make a habit of "trashing" other hosts people will click to see who you are now & then, and that's free.
We still play with Overture & AdWords some but the ROI hasn't been there at all. We consider it as just a way of getting noticed & they can get expensive in a hurry compared to local methods & word-of-mouth.
I have yet to try it, but having seen some in action, I think the problem with host quote and lead services is that you are in competition against many other hosts who are offering different things at different prices. I know some friends however who practically gain all his new clients from host quoting services - his offers are very cheap indeed.

My strategy so far has been to try to keep clients happy - they do refer you when they have the chance to. But my hosting services are not to the larger scale yet, and I'm sure I will be looking into other means. Suggestions welcome.

Happy new year :)