[hiring] Sales staff - salary + comission based

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3rdRock Hosting

New member

3rd Rock Hosting are in need of 1 or 2 sales representatives to help advertise and bring in sales. Your job will be to advertise our company and make as many sales you can in any way you see fit. You can advertise however you like as long as you are not abusing forums, doing anything illegal or making us look bad. When you are out there you will be representing 3rd Rock Hosting, we will keep an eye on you to make sure everything is going well.

You must be trustworthy and speak fluent English. Experience is preferred but not essential.

You will start off at $20USD a month and 35% commission. This amount will rise as you make more sales. Minimum sales per month is 3, this is a reasonable amount. All commission is recurring.

If you are interested, please email sales-at-3rdrockhosting.com stating that you are interested in the position or speak to me on msn - support-at-3rdrockhosting.com

You will not be required to send a resume or sign any contracts. There are no age restrictions. You work as an when you want to as long as you meet the minimum 3 sales.

So if you want to be part of a friendly team and get paid well, please get in touch with us.
This looks very interesting. I work from home as a customer service rep and have been looking for a way to bring in a little extra money. I do enjoy sales and would like to find out more about this job. $20 a month doesn't seem like much but it is ok considering 3 sales a month is all that's required and the extra commission is nice too. I may just have to check this out! Thanks for posting this lead!
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