

New member
Hello Guys and Gals

Found this site yesterday, but had problems signing up so had to create another account,

ofc I am web host, but this site has lots of great info, me or my business partner will be making posts. I already found great info on Toll free numbers and such.

Anyway keep up the great work,

John, welcome to HostingDiscussion.com.

Please let me know what problems you experienced during the sign-up, we will look into it. Also, if you created another account, we need to either merge them or delete one of them, since multiple accounts are not allowed. :)

Hi Artashes

When I signed up the other account, the plan was to signup to forums like this, so created a new e-mail address sfb@pxnt.com, waited for the e-mail address to be actived tested it out. worked, then signed up here checked my e-mail for the activation e-mail and that was yesterday kept checking not recieved it, so could not do anything like contact you Artashes post a message in the forum that I not got my activation code,

So checked to see if if there is a resend option and there was not :( so created a new account, other User ID is phoenixnet I dont mind which one is closed just want to join you guys in a great forum. put the general e-mail address for company in this account e-mail address.

Thanks for the help Artashes.
