Helpful VPS Shell Script


New member
I have create a shell script that helps install things like Root Kit Checker, root breach Detector and Email Warning, MOTD(Message of the Day), APF(Advanced Policy Firewall), BFD(Brute Force Detection), Logwatch, and Nano. This script is still in Beta and I plan to add more options to it. You can download the script here:
The shell script is licensed under the GNU General Public License which is included in the download. You can download the file in either .zip or .tgz format.

You can view the Online ReadMe here:

You can contact me using this Contact Form:
If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, etc please let me know.

*** WARNING *** I am not a programmer nor do I claim to be one. I wrote this shell script to help aid in the install/configuring of software. I hope yall find this script useful.