Help Please!


New member
Hi everyone,

Due to some very tragic and unfortunate occurence that has just happened that may have changed my life, I am in a enormous need of a decent-to-well paying job. These circumstances I am not willing to discuss publicaly to all viewers of these forums. But I am more than willing to discuss this with a future employeer. A job right now is very important for myself. PLEASE CONTACT ME IF YOU HAVE ANY OPPURTUNITIES!

MOD NOTE: Personal information removed.

Thank you,
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ss11, sorry to hear about the tragic circumstances in your life. I hope it works out well for you though.

All best,
Maybe posting a few of your abilities would increase your chances of finding an employer.

I hope you'll find a good job and that you'll find a way to solve your problems! Good luck!
I apologize for failing to mention that. Let's just say I have alot to deal with right now.

Basically I am willing to do any work. I am willing to learn what is needed.

I have worked with Cpanel, WHM, Web Hosting, and Web Design.

If you would like to anything else please post or please contact me via information provided in previous post.

Thank you,