Hello To All


New member
My real name is Daniel McHugh and i am from Gainesville, Fl.

I am a contributing member in good standing at WHT and cPanel forums, using the same name i signed up for here. Being a resller i like to learn about, and add to discussions pertaining to cPanel, SEO, Reselling plus other subjects. One thing i do not engage in is bashing or disrespect for any reason. If a negative discussion arises i tend to intervene and help to turn the negative into a positive.

The way i found this forum is by a signature from an old post at WHT. When i visited here yesterday i saw SenseiSteve was online and i figured if he was here it must be ok. I only know this member by their posts made at WHT. Anyways after reading a lot of posts here, i was very happy to see real conversations and courtesy by all members. I really want to be able to have conversations just like it used to be. To often at forums people post a sentence and nothing more.

In closing i just want to say i look forward to having discussions with all of you and learning new ways of doing things online.

P.S. My profile is vague, since i am a reseller i know i can not post my website or details about it.

See you in the threads,
Hi Daniel,

Thank you for this one hell of an introduction! It is very interesting to see how our members find us and where they also participate.

I am very glad that you are liking the discussions taking place on HostingDiscussion. It takes quite an effort to keep up registrations clean and selective, but the benefit is clear - you get a higher quality community in the end.

We are suckers for any kind of good knowledge that can be shared, so your topics of interest are certainly most welcome and always in demand.

I hope that you enjoy our community and grow to be a regular member. If you have any questions or concerns, you can always reach out to me directly.
