Hello from IH

Hi all,

InfusedHosting here - We are a UK based hosting company that has been established since 2007. We provides a wide variety of services from Web hosting, reseller hosting, virtual servers to VPN's, Email Security and more.

We specialize in customer service and really work hard to ensure our customers are 100% happy with our services.

We are currently doing a review of our website and would appreciate any feedback you may have about ease of use, information available, design & layout if you could spare a few minutes!

Happy to answer any questions.

InfusedHosting sounds very familiar for some reason. Were you a member here on the forums previously?
Thanks, We've been a member on here for just before Christmas 2020 but haven't really posted much as I had completely forgot about this forum.
Welcome welcome!

Glad to see established companies like yours joining the ranks. You've joined the industry at a time when it was already incredibly competitive, so it's an incredible feat to still be in it and doing very well.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to me directly.