Hello from DonHouston


New member
My name is Don Houston and I have been in the industry for 5 years now. I use to run my own hosting business a few years ago, but I soon realized that I was in WAY over my head and decided to sell. Well I sold my business and I ended up working for the company I sold my company too. But again this is not an advertisement so I am not going to say much more

OK, about me. I am 26 fixing to be 27 here next month, I am disabled (not in a wheel chair or anything like that) I have been married to a wonderful women for the last 4 years. As I stated I started in this industry 5 years ago. I started out thinking about network solutions was the only place to get domains so when I saw it was 70 for two years. I kinda steered clear for a while. Although I was always fascinated with the internet. I mean for me I learned a lot over the past few years. But this is me. I wanted to say hell to all of the members before I forgot.
Don, thank you for introducing yourself. I hope you find out community useful and fun to be around. :)
so far I find it interesting and enjoying. Trying to get my post up so I can advertise our business to all the members who come to this forum. I am interested in doing this. So I am trying to get to 50 but I do not want to spam so I may have to wait for a while and come back.. Thanks again for the welcome. I appreciate it.
Thanks Guys. I am thrilled to be here. ldcdc, I am trying to be more than just a poster of ads on the forum. You never know I may need to ask a question.. Best way to do that is to get to know members of the forums... Thanks for the warm welcome.
Yes I know.... Some of the posts I don't know much about and I do not want to be called a spammer so if I can't say anything with out self promoting I usually don't. That way I have no worries with mods
Noel... I agree with Art, Time to introduce your self. This is one of the best ways to get to know people. Welcome to the group.