Has any of you used LinkedIn to advertise?


New member
Yesterday, I came across a thread on reddit about advertising on Linkedin. The business owner put stats together of advertising on reddit, Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin. According to him, he got less clicks, but more conversions from Linkedin than any other platform.

Reddit had a high bounce rate, Facebook had a lot of clicks but no conversions, same for Twitter, but LinkedIn helped him convert clientele.

Has any of you have experienced this?
never had any sales let alone enquiries from adverts on Linkedin. Now i just use Linkedin to keep intouch with a few business groups
Yesterday, I came across a thread on reddit about advertising on Linkedin. The business owner put stats together of advertising on reddit, Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin. According to him, he got less clicks, but more conversions from Linkedin than any other platform.

Reddit had a high bounce rate, Facebook had a lot of clicks but no conversions, same for Twitter, but LinkedIn helped him convert clientele.

Has any of you have experienced this?

The impressions in the thread are actually pretty spot on, especially for the Facebook/Twitter ads. And its logically so. LinkedIn is more targeted and the clicks you get from there are often from people with genuine interest about this business. That being said I do believe that not all types of businesses may find LinkedIn beneficial and that is why different people may get completely different results :rolleyes2
After about 10 days of having the ad on Linkedin:

31k views, 2 clicks, $5.74 spent..

I wouldn't call that "good" per sé.. :)
LinkedIn is a great platform for advertising. If you don't want to spend on paid advertising, then you can market your business for free by creating a business page and adding updates to it regularly.
I just think social networks are not buyers. These are people looking for business or just wasting time.
Yes, Linkedin is a very effective place to promote your products and website. You should join right groups and advertise your website in those groups.
Yes, I used Linkedin for advertising my company’s information because I feel that Linkedin is a best way to promote your things where people can read your information very carefully.
Instead of doing direct advertising on Linkedin one might consider doing something else unique to draw in potential customers. Posting links to blog articles, news about your companies growth or new services, or hosting webinars and inviting your connections.
We began actively using LinkedIn only recently and still did not have any response worth mentioning, yet ability to contact exactly the person you want to talk to - this seems invaluable.

It is like direct copulation as compared to releasing millions of tons of semen into the ocean in hope for lucky accident. Direct contact is much more likely to succeed.
I gained one client from my mass emailing everybody multiple times before LinkedIn put a stop to that by requiring to pay for that privilege. Other than that, I don't even know if I ever got a single site visitor. The groups are not much better.
All in all, unless you pay for an ad spot, I think we waste a lot of time and money advertising by posting messages in the social networks.
LinkedIn is really good for advertising a business/product. But you really need to be devoted in giving reliable information and fresh updates to your audience daily. Some might be successful in promoting business to this website and some might not recommend this. It still depends if you are doing it right.

Here's the article I found helpful for beginners who wanted to try LinkedIn for advertising:

Hope this helps!
I have and surprisingly got no conversions, same with yahoo and Facebook. Only adwords and hosting forums really convert and never have a ROI.

We focus on word to mouth.
LinkedIn seems to be used more for professional people to contact each other and increase there network. Don't believe it would be the best place for advertising.
I've never attempted LinkedIN for advertising, but would agree AdWords works if done correctly. Hosting forums work quite well also.

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