

New member

New member alert! I'm Cedric. For over 22 years I've been managing online communities. Started on free forum hosts like InvisionFree and eventually found my way to Invision Power Board (2011) and later on XenForo (2015). So, it's safe to say I know the ins and outs of forum management. It has always been an interesting hobby, one that will remain for many years to come.

I'm pleased to be here. I'll check in frequently.
Welcome, Cedric! We are excited to have you here. Do you mind sharing more on your background? Do you currently operate a tech company?
Cedric, welcome to HD. Sorry there was an issue during your registration, but I am glad it's resolved.

When it comes to forums, you've done, heard & seen it all. Great to have you here.
Have you been enjoying the community so far?

You bring up some good memories, I remember all that software you bring up in your post.
Have you been enjoying the community so far?

You bring up some good memories, I remember all that software you bring up in your post.
Yes, it's fun to read here. Some good insights! :)

Ah we share some good memories then. What was most notable for you?