Gmail’s spam filters


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They say they have become ridiculous and tedious,what you think,how do I make the mails from my server to not end up in gmails spam folder?
If somebody here has achieved that the mails of their servers are not going to gmails spam folder successfully please let me know
Is not about my email of gmail man is about the confirmation emails of my servers that go to spam folder of people,capizzco?
You can do a whole of things for this. One of them is routing all mails to gmail using a third party mail services provider like sendgrid or etc. Exim and cpanel are flexible enough to allow you smart relay using these services.
It's tough, but we found that if you use WHMCS and route your outbound email through Gmail's SMTP servers, chances are less likely to have your email marked as spam, unless you fill it with links. Gmail is ok with 1 or 2 links, but 3 will trigger the spam filter, as far as I can tell.
We use Google Apps for our domain email, so we have a support@***.ca.

If you're using WHMCS,
Setup > General settings > Mail tab. Set the "Mail type" to SMTP and use the Gmail SMTP settings. All your email from WHMCS will now go through Gmail's SMTP servers, including order confirmations, invoices etc.

The downside is that everything will be sent from 1 email address, so if you have multiple departments for your support set up, no matter which department you're sending from, all mail will go through that 1 email address.
I've noticed all emails from a new domain (no matter the terms used) is marked as spam by gmail. It's an uphill battle to ensure delivery these days.
Is kinda like a dog tryin to catch his tale these days isnt it,and can kloxo serve for routing email?

thanks4 reading